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This kind of things are never easy to say, so I'm going directly to the point, since December from last year I had decided to end my "journey" as Hedit this year. Of course this is an important decision so I took this whole year to think about it, and I didn't changed my mind, the decision is made; this month and the next one will be the last Patreon rewards.

After this I will continue with the current commissions list, and after complete it, I'll close this account (during that period of time, pays will be paused, don't worry about that).

Now, if you want to know about the reasons behind this decision, people who stayed here since July from last year should remember that I got sick and I went on a hiatus for 5-6 months, coming back in January. Fortunately, it was nothing serious, but that made me think about personal stuff, and among that, projects I paused and I want to continue. So, at first, I considered to divide my time and try to make everything but I quickly realized that was not possible for me; and I changed the plan, I was going to focus 100% in Hedit for one last year.

And that's basically it, after a long time thinking about it I decided to close Hedit's chapter.

Thank you so much for your support. Thank you to the new people who just recently became patron and special thanks to the people who had been here for years, I know there are some people supporting me from the beginning. It's been 5 good years.

P.S: I still have a few pending sets that I would like to complete, you'll probably see those on Gumroad during next year.




Mitchell Lenn

You will be missed 🫡

Jonathan Gonzalez

You are a legend, you will be missed, thank you for all the artworks that you have given us 😭 o7

Slippery Willy

Take care of yourself. I know this decision wasn't an easy one, but I wish you all the best.


take care of yourself I always enjoyed your art thanks for the artworks

Shadow Pedro

It was an honor Hedit, been here 3 years.


We're gonna miss ya. I was hoping to get in on the commissions, but I suppose that isn't happening ;.;. Any chance of you returning in the future, and any chance of sharing with us your ideas for what comes next? In any case, I'm glad to have had you for the time you were willing to give us.


Returning is not in my plans, so I can't get your hopes up.


You will be missed Hedit. I wanted to make a commission but never had the money due to how much my expenses are vs how much I earn from work.


Aw man, I was hoping to commission you, Ah well. hopefully you return one day, you're the only one that can imitate this artstyle I was looking for.


Good luck with whatever you do may we meet again

Mack Harris

I was wondering why i could no longer access the discord. Honestly it’s super upsetting to hear you’re leaving as a fan of your work but Im still happy got to be part of the journey. Wish you the best for whatever is the next chapter of your life and even if its not art but something still internet related alot of fans would be happy to follow you. Regardless take care and hope you stay healthy/happy and thank you for being the one artist who made me make this patreon and lead to commissioning a bunch of art


The server is still there, if you can't access, that's not related to this. Did you have any problem with payment? (send me a dm)

Mack Harris

Managed to fix it myself dw think it just didnt like my card being close to expiration


Im thankful that I was able to get a commission from you earlier this year. Thanks for all the hard work you put in for us, and I hope all goes well in your future plans🙏🏼


I am very thankful for all the amazing art you have made! Will there be a way to download all your work?


What are your plans for after you finish up everything as Hedit? I'd honestly love to keep up with you and any work you put out in the future!


This is such a loss for the anime and hentai fandom, as there is no one out there who has your (What I view as a) perfect style, but you've got to do what you've got to do... Will all of your content remain on Gumroad, at least?


I am going to miss you Hedit. Will I still be able to buy your past works on Gumroad?