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I try not to say thanks too much because it might come across as disingenuous. Something about sounding like a broken record doesn't sit well with me. But...I dunno. Right now, you guys should know that I could not be more grateful for what you're doing for me. I would probably be living off of my parents and working some awful dead-end job if this wasn't working out. I'm so damn lucky that you've all got my back.

Thank you so much for your support.


Jon Fawkes

As a fellow creator, I know the struggle. And you're welcome, happy to support you


Thank you so much for the great artworks

Kyle Phillips

Love the art work soo much so thank you


We love you Mangos (No homo)


We need to see you vending at cons. For which you can write off a lot expenses if you're a registered business. Btf, if you don't have an LLC and trademarked some your work, you should.


Hey man. We all enjoy what you do. Keep up the good work and we'll keep backing you. /thumbs up/


If I could do it all over again, I'd start pledging sooner. You've been worth every cent. I personally thank you for choosing this profession instead of some dead-end job.


of all the creators I support and have supported in the past, you are easily the most generous and rewarding. Sure, anyone can draw a pair of tits, but your consistent quality and impressive quantity combined with your reward tiers is really admirable. We should really be thanking you!


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Long live mangoes ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Your work is really amazing. We're the ones who should thank you for giving us that much for so little :D


you do great work mango i love it : )


Keep up the good work Mangos!


I just wish I could give you more than I am right now. You have always been a favorite of mine. I actually signed up for this account just to support you to make sure you continue to be what you are. Keep it up, I'll always love your work.


Ew gratitude! Go away! In all seriousness, I'm glad you're doing ok.