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hi! normally when i post one of these it's for something bad LOL

but this time, it's good! as of 5 minutes ago, i have officially finished my music and songwriting diploma (provided i passed all my units LMAO)!! which means that i won't be studying, and i'll once again have time to draw and, who knows, maybe even try and work on something!

on top of this, i won't be pursuing any further education for the foreseeable future - which means that outside of shows and music things, i'll be completely free'd up for art. basically, i'll be completely free to Make Stuff™! which i'm HOPING will mean more art, and maybe even comics (like i've been promising since literally 2019 lmaoooooooooooooo)

this is all given that my mental stays in a good place ofc, which i'm hoping it will. knock on wood, i've been in an alright place lately, so i just have to hope it stays that way and nothing too bad happens or anything like that lmfao
if it does i'll say something

but for the time being, things look good! art coming soone :)



heeeell yea!

S. P. Sour

Awesome!! Good to hear things are going well!