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i really need to get into the habit of giving you guys this shit earlier, sorry about that

in any case, i wanted to give you all an update since art's been really slow lately. art's been nigh fucking impossible over the last few weeks, which is also why rewards are late and art's been very few and far between, which i've recently found out is because the last two weeks i've been on the wrong anti-depressants lmfaoooooo, which has thrown my brain chemistry as far out of whack as it could possibly go and has made doing most things more difficult than they should be

HOWEVER!!! i have spoken to my chemist! and rectified the issue! and my actual proper medication that works will be arriving on wednesday! so i will be better then! and i will be drawing then! i'm gonna draw SO fucking much you all have no idea

sorry for the lack of activity again though!!! if there is any way for me to make it up to you all, please lemme know
i appreciate all of your support so much, and i wanna make sure you're all getting your money's worth



Take the time you need, personal health comes first.


You've been pretty upfront about your condition. As long as you're getting help and not rushing your recovery, I'm fine waiting for your art.