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sorry for the lack of updates lately! drawing over the last week or two was tough, and i suppose you all deserve to hear why i haven't been providing you all with very much lately

you all know that university ran me ragged but tl;dr right as i got done with university i totalled my car which i needed a bit of time to mentally recover from (no one was hurt, thank god) and dealing with insurance companies sucks fucking dick so that's been my life the last two weeks
that said i've been kicking my own ass out of this funk the last few days so here's hoping i can get right back on the ball and make the most of my months off! thank you all so much again for your patience and continued support




also once i get the first part of ch 1 (40 pages exactly) thumbnailed i'll drop those all here for y'all to read feel bad for how long it's been taking me to give you all something tangible to read, perfectionism is a bitch do not recommend

Will Martin-Foster

I can't speak for everyone else, but I would rather have something take forever to make and it be high quality than a rushed project that you're not satisfied with at all. Plus, life happens. Not like you've been lazing about, pulling your pud this whole time.

Will Martin-Foster

Also, damn dude. I know what it's like to go through car accidents and dealing with the insurance vampires. Just glad you're ok.