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As some of you might be aware by now, Blizzard recently came under some fire for a "controversial" image of their Tracer character from the upcoming Overwatch game in an "overly sexy/objectifying" pose.

Blizzard caved into the vocal minorities demands, and stated that the pose in question will not appear in the final product.

Again, this was just a *pose*! Not a wholly new character design, but just a single inconsequential pose for an existing character.

In response to Blizzard's pathetic developer integrity, several artists immediately made their own contributions in memorium of the missing pose.

It's a big deal over nothing -on both sides of the argument-, but it's amazingly irritating that such a small matter exploded the way it did.

So here's my own little contribution. ^_^




Ridiculous, isn't it? If developers for video games & writers for TV shows had to re-work their product every time a few people have a gripe with it, there be very little to enjoy in said products. Some people really need to get a grip. Good on ya, Barret!


^_^ I should also mention that the pose was OPTIONAL. Just like any other cosmetic change! Kotaku already wrote an article, and the battlenet forum where it started is ablaze. Blizzard was clearly trying to save face by 1: removing the "offending" pose to avoid a major public "scandal" that would tarnish their reputation, and 2: keeping the loyalty of as many fans as possible by claiming it was because "it didn't fit the character"... despite them feeling it to be fitting when they added it in the first place. All in all, it's a non issue, but seeing Blizzard cave in so easily, and spoon feed the fans a clearly BS "just agree with the 'offended' party, so we look like good guys" reasoning, is just disappointing. Hopefully it doesn't spread, and other devs still have the spine to stick up for their creations.