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WooT! The new compy is almost finished. Got the last part yesterday, and put everything together. As expected, ran into some snags (driver issues and such), but they are mostly resolved as far as I can tell. Still need to transfer all my important files and other things from my laptop, and install necessary programs again, so it may be about another week (also got some long work shifts to contend with) before I can start streaming and such. ALso now that I'm back in town, I can put more work into the Doll. ^_^ A big thanks to everyone who made this leap forward possible!



Good luck with those drivers. At least all the devices we used to have as secondary cards are integrated into the motherboard these days, so there are fewer compatibility issues than there used to be. It still surprises me that there's not just one big driver pack for each different motherboard, but that's software development for you...