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Here we go! The final entry of the adventures of Annalise and Avestra is ready to receive votes!

Looking forward to what comes out of it! ;D

Results on the 15th!


What will happen for the MILF/Demon finale? - Poll on strawpoll.com

What will happen for the MILF/Demon finale? - Whats your opinion? Vote now!



*sips tea* Oh... Whatever shall I pick.... Hmmmm.... *not so innocent smile* In all seriousness though, it's really a shame that things are coming to a close. I'm sure there could be more... Like... Oh... Crumpets or something.... Just sayin'


hehe. well who knows. After the first series got such a strong response, I ended up modifying the second series to tie into it... There's always a possibility this could generate a new arc. ^_^