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| Drawing #1 | "Prego Mul and bleu taking care of her"  - Moonwing

| Drawing #2 | "Maybe mul pushed past her limit for how many ponies she can eat and Bleu is just pushing in one more :3" - Mango7889

| Drawing #3 | "How about some characters we haven’t seen in a while? Like Chocolate Chip stuffing Fudge Muffin’s big ol’ tum" - dontask1337

| Drawing #4 | "What about a mul snek? Like naga, or viper-esk, but any real species you like, and she finds she can fit much larger pones, or just more pones in her belly and coils. And the best part is that immobility is never an issue." - Moonwing

| Drawing #5 | "Um, daki with Vanilla Swirl?" - TwoMadmans

| Drawing #6 | "Mulberry doing a big weed and getting the munchies." - Genieric



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