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Tomorrow Growing Together patch will be TOMORROW. I except a good chunk of my mods will be broken tomorrow and I will work to update them as soon as I can. I plan to bring my laptop to work tomorrow.

Any mods you have for me need to be removed until I clear them. Please do not ask for assistance until I give you an update on a mod as this will only slow down my updating process. I'll start a new post tomorrow but mainly my Google Updates document will be important. I will list broken mods. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rk3K_Z_6Wf1t5V02PDA008wOOKfKjVwIWpw8mlglngM/edit?usp=sharing

I do not have the patch yet but I can predict a good chunk of my mods will break tomorrow. I appreciate your patience tomorrow as I will always work as hard as possible to get all mods updated.

If you haven't yet joined my Discord to receive your Supportive Patron role I recommend it. You can chat with me directly. Here is the link - https://discord.gg/TykFPkY If your role doesn't apply post in the #mod-questions channel and type I need my Patron discord role and I'll apply it. I have a channel for Patrons only.

Thank you.



Nikkie Bowen

Ty for the heads up reminder I'm truly excited and sad at the same 💯


As always, you are much appreciated!!

