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Social Interactions Pack

Required Pack: The Sims 4 Base Game

Other Requirements: XML Injector

Accuse of being a Gold Digger

This interaction will stay under mean. Sims will lose a bit in the relationship column when this interaction is used and a grudge sentiment will appear.  When used both Sims will get a buff and you can see the two buffs below:

There is also a random in-text notification when using this interaction. There are ten possible responses that a Sim may get. See below an example:

Announce Engagement

To use this interaction, Sims must be engaged. The buff should remain  for 2 days, allowing the interaction to remain for 2 days. Only the Sim,  who uses the interaction will get the buff below. It’s made this way so  both Sims can tell friends and family on their own.

Apologize For Cheating

To use this interaction, a Sim must have a Caught Cheating or Caught with Another buff. Both Sims will get a reaction when using this interaction

Ask about Relationship Status

This interaction is on any Sim you can click. It is a Friendly interaction and it will generate the relationship status of a Sim.

Ask For Permission to Propose

So with this interaction, it was very tricky. The game does not have a father-in-law or mother-in-law relationship that Sims 3 did. You have to use the Discuss Future Together Interaction for this one to work, the buff lasts for 24 hours and as long as the Sims have that buff they can click on their boyfriend/girlfriend's parents and look under Friendly > Other Sims and use this interaction. You may see this buff at times where it makes no sense, but it is under other sims so please ignore it.

It will generate an in-text notification and this interaction should not be used for at least 3 Sim days again. This is in case the Sim decides to not marry in this relationship and allowing it to be used again.

Ask to Be Best Man

To use this interaction, the Sim must be engaged and be a male.

Ask to Be Bridesmaid

To use this interaction, the Sim must be engaged and a female.

Brag about Partner

To use this interaction, the Sim must have the New Partner Buff. This buff last about 8 hours, so during those 8 hours you will be able to Brag about your new Partner. You will get the buff below when using this interaction.

Can I have some money?

This is a Friendly interaction that allows Sims to get money. Anywhere from 1 to 500 Simoleons is granted.

This interaction can be used on any Sim. A random in-text notification will appear when this interaction is used.

Chat about Baby Names

To use this interaction, the Sim must be pregnant. They will gain the buff below when the interaction is used.

Chat about Celebrities

This interaction appears on Sims at all times. It will leave them with a buff and a playful mood.

Chat about Politics

This is a Friendly interaction that appears on all Sims. An in-text notification shows up when it is used. Sims also receive a buff when using these interactions.

Complain about Being Sick

This is an autonomous interaction. To use this interaction, a Sim must be sick and have a buff about being sick. This will generate an in-text notification that is random.

Complain about Demotion

To use this interaction, a Sim will need to have a buff from being demoted from their career.

Compliment Personality

This interaction will appear on all sims. Both sims will gain a buff when this interaction is used.

Confess to Cheating

This is a Mean interaction and both Sims will get a buff when this  interaction is used. Both sims will lose some of their relationship  status. This interaction can only be used on a spouse or  boyfriend/girlfriend. The target Sim will gain a hurt sentiment and the  actor will gain a rift in the relationship buff.

Here is the buffs you will see:

Discuss New Sibling

This interaction is used by children who have the new sibling happy, new sibling sad, unwanted sibling angry and near new sibling buff. The child sim will receive the buff below:

Good Morning

This interaction can only be used when it is morning and Sims will gain a buff when using this interaction.

Good Night

This interaction can only be used at night and Sims will gain a buff when using this interaction.

Happy Birthday

This interaction is only used during a birthday party. The interaction will show up when clicking the birthday boy or birthday girl under the Friendly Pie-menu. This interaction is also autonomous and when the interaction is used, you will see an in-text notification.

Hate WooHoo

Hate WooHoo is a mischief interaction and both Sims will receive an embarrassed buff and there is a chance of the opposites attract sentiment appearing. An in-text notification will appear and the relationship will lose points.


This is an introduction interaction and can only be used on Sims you have not met before. Once this introduction is used, it will generate an in-text notification:

How are you

How are you? is a friendly interaction and you will see a randomized in-text notification appear after using.

I am in Labor

To use this interaction, the Sim must be in labor and have a buff that they are in labor. It is not under any category, but when you click a Sim it appears as its own category since it's urgent.

When you click this interaction both Sims will get a buff:

I Hate You

This interaction appears on all Sims under the mean category. When you use it, it will generate a random in-text notification. Sims will also gain a sentiment of being furious.

I Love You

This is a friendly interaction that will generate a random in-text notification.

Mock Walking Style

This interaction appears on all sims under the mean category. Both sims will receive buffs:

Mourn Deceased Spouse - Autonomous

To use this interaction, a Sim must have a buff about being a widow. When this interaction is used,  you will get a buff and an in-text notification.

Regret Ending Marriage - Autonomous

To use this interaction, the Sim must be divorced and interacting with the divorced Sim. It will generate a random, in-text notification

Sim who initiates the interaction will get the feeling guilty, strained relations buff, guilty and resentful about divorce sentiment. The target sim will get the deeply wounded sentiment.

You can see the example from above. Interaction can be used once every 2 days.

Regret Having WooHoo

To use this interaction, a Sim must have recently Woohooed and have the Woohoo Buff. The interaction is under the mean category.

The Sim who initiates the interaction will feel guilty and the target sim will have a festering grudge and furious sentiment.

Here is an example above.

Reveal Pregnancy

Interaction only used when Sims is pregnant in their fist trimester. It Is a Friendly interaction that generates a buff. There will also be an in-text notification that populates.

Talk about Being an Elder

To use this interaction, the Sim must be an Elder. When used it will give you this buff below and theinteraction is autonomous.

Talk about News

This interaction stays on Sims at all times and is under the Friendly Category. The interaction will generate a buff. This interaction can be used once every 24 hours and it is autonomous.

Talk about Promotion - Autonomous

To use this interaction, the Sim must have a promotion buff and have been promoted. You can find this interaction under the friendly pie-menu and it is autonomous.

Thanks For Saving My Life

Interaction appears on Sims who have the spared buff. You can find it under the friendly interaction. A dialog box will pop up with a message from the Target Sim.

The Baby is Not Yours

If a Sim is pregnant, they can use a mean Interaction called "The Baby is Not Yours". Sims will get a  buff and will have a loss in their relationship. This has not bearing on if the baby belongs to a Sim or not.

Try to Seduce

Required Pack: The Sims 4 Base Game

This is a mischievous interaction and is included in the social interactions pack.

If accepted:

Buffs for both Sims:

If rejected:

Both sims get this buff:

Why did you cheat on me?

To use this interaction, a Sim must have been cheated on and have a buff about cheating, unfaithful love or my interaction confession to cheating buffs. This is a mean interaction and once you use it, a random in-text notification appears

Sims will also lose some romance status when this interaction is used. The sim who was cheated on will get a hurt sentiment and buffs about a scorned lover and a furious buff.

Would you like to go on a vacation?

This interaction remains on Sims as long as they are not already on vacation. A random in-text notification will appear when this interaction is used




this is the link to the updated file, right? thanks a lot :)

Sophie Banks

Hi, does this mod still work with the new update?

Jasmine Stanfield

Hey Kiara, will the bulk downloads get updated soon? Love the mods!!


Be still my simmin heart 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So exciting!!!!


Oh my god! The work that you put into this 😭 This is going to take gameplay to another level

Toni Williams

I'm so excited about this. I normally don't comment but this has my excitement on another level 😁


Hi Kiara - I just wanted to confirm you meant we should remove all of YOUR previous social interactions... not anyone else's (unless they're duplicative)... right?


When the new package file is released, you should remove all other social interactions (Not career interactions or work from home). You can choose to keep the duplicates, it won't impact the game but you may see them.


OMG...you are so amazing. Please continue to be as great as you are. 😊


Does that mean social interactions from other mods? Like stacies?


Hi will those interactions be autonomy? Because I would love that if it's user-control only:)


I currently have Scumbumbo's xml injector currently updated by Triplis. Would I need to remove that and use this one or are they different in some way? Thanks so much for all you do!


Omg I can’t wait to get it


yesss!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait!! thank you for all your hard work xx


heyyy do i download this XML injector

Sharon Swem

I can't wait for this!💖


Hello~ I'm completely new here, so don't know how some things work - sorry, if I write my comment in the wrong place. There is one small question I'd like to ask: is there any way to reduce the amount of buff the sim gets? For example, from +7 to +1 or 2 maximum? I just find the current numbers too high, and they also don't go in line with other mods I'm using. Can I changes these using Sims4Studio, for example?


Hey! A silly question I'm sure but will this injector work with other mods that are still using #3? Thank you for everything you do! I love your mods!


cant wait for this..omg :D


Love love love this! Thank you so much!


I recommend using the current version of XML Injector. I don't think other mods will be impacted by updating to the latest version but it probably would.


I get more excited about your interaction merged files and event packages than I do with EA game packs!


Hello! I have a question. If I download this mod, will I have to delete my woohoo wellness mod by Lumpinou? Both has similar gameplay but yours have interactions I want in my gameplay. Thanks in advance.

Sharon Swem

I just want to say that I love your mods and you are fantastic! Thanks so very much!


You should also be aware if you have any other mods that have similar interactions, you may end up with duplicates. Lumpinou has some similar mods. It will not cause a conflict but you may see duplicates.


Wahow, that is HUGE ! TY for all those new interactions, there will be so much to do !! I was wondering if the notifications regarding baby discussions could take Lumpinou's mod into account ? The Woohoo wellness mod that gives Sims traits such as "wants a baby", "does not want a baby"


Awesome Job! This mod is awesome


hii! I have a pretty dumb qn, does this mean that we cannot use any mods that adds social interactions (eg SOL, Littlemssam)? bc I have the miscarriage mod by littlemssam and your interactions pack kinda messed with the buffs that the mod gave.. this line, "Everyone makes mistakes. I really do love you despite this mistake and I hope we can fix this." overrode cc buffs' desc, not sure if there's any way I can fix this myself or?


I already have I love you romance and I love you friendly in my mods. should I delete them before adding this?

Charleigh Cooper

Does this conflict with contextual interactions? Many Thanks


Please make sure to read the entire post. You may see duplicates, but they do not conflict.


Hi, is there a way to make these autonomous? & if so how do I do it? Thanks for the help! New Patreon member :)


Anyone else having problems downloading this?

Kathy M

I'm also having trouble downloading this


doesnt seem to be downloading correctly...gives me a file named 1...weird...nice to know im not the only one though.


I'll go through and make some of them autonomous and create a second file. One of autonomous interactions and one that is not. The only ones that won't be autonomous are ones that need certain test conditions.


Thank you! works well with Contextual Social Interactions? Is this mod translated in Spanish?


Hello, I do not work with any forms of translations. As for Contextual social interactions, not sure. When I create mods I only test them with my other mods.


Hi, the ts4script is showing as broken. Are you aware?


Hello, It's not broken. The most recent version is from 12/2020 - https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector

Edna Christopher

Ok geez i will buy snowy escape geez lol


I LOVE this pack! Yay for Gold Digger!!


Someone let me know that Sentiments were included in the Patch. As long as you have Get Famous it will work.


Would you be willing to release a version of the “I love you interaction” that has toned down moodlets? +10 to happiness is pretty extreme, and will override any nearly other emotion in the game. For example the moodlets from a close family member dying is only a +4 so a single “I love you” is enough to cause a sim to forget their dad died lol


I love this mod. I was wondering if you do another update for the interactions could you add some breakup features when it comes to boyfriend/girlfriend type of partnerships. And maybe some university interactions between families, like announcing they got into a school or something.


I love this mod! Could you upload a separated version? Thanks so much!


Unfortunately no, it's easier to maintain these in one package file. Most of them are not autonomous though.


I downloaded on the 26th and the I love you is still happening autonomously and gives a +10 moodlet. I'm redownloading to see if that fixes it...


Did this mod use to have the interactions, ask about children, ask about siblings? I remember having it but I can’t figure out from where to save my life.


Nope. The only one close to this is Discuss New Siblings and Ask about Relationship Status.


Wow, thanks for the quick response. I'll get to searching more. Also I know you hear it often but much appreciation to all the time you put in mods, seriously.


Hello, how are you? I have this mod and I notice my sims (in a relationship) both get the "Apologize for cheating" but no evidence has shown either one of them cheated, is there any way to fix this?


Hi Claire, The post reads: To use this interaction, a Sim must have a Caught Cheating or Caught with Another buff. Both Sims will get a reaction when using this interaction. (It should not show unless a Sim has this buff).

Jamie Ponder

I just installed this today and it is already at the top of my favorites list! Thank you!


I love this mod and always redownload with every update. I'm not well-versed in coding for Sims 4 interactions so I was wondering how the responses to "I love you" and such work. Are they completely random or do the chances for certain responses increase with whatever the relationship is? Sorry if that's a weird question, I've just always been curious about it.


do i need to redownload? last time i downloaded it was in June and it seems they are still working? Did any mod require fixing?


Hi Bessy, It's important to check the monthly update when you are looking for updates. I recommend updating all mods if you haven't done so by the latest patch. The monthly update can be found here https://www.patreon.com/posts/40534534


Hello, If you do not see the word Autonomous by the title, then it's user-directed meaning you use it when you want to use it. It does not have any impact on relationships, but generates an in text notification.


Hi! Thank you so much for this mod, I love having more options for interactions. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble with the Ask Permission to Propose interaction. Both sims are young adults, they don't live in the same house, and I'm making sure they discussed future together right before asking. The only options coming up under Other Sims is ask about and talk up other sims. It's worked for me in the past, so I'm unsure what to do next.


Who are you asking for permission to propose? It should not be on the spouse but a parent.