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Good morning everyone and oh my goodness thank you all so much for joining 😊 

I really hope you like the Videos I’ve uploaded for you already. If anyone has any questions please do ask - I know this platform isn’t the easiest to navigate but hopefully you’ll find your way around. 

I will be creating a Facebook book group for you all - but do want to build a community on here too. 

If there’s anything you want to see in future videos please let me know. I organise a poll so you can choose as well, but I have lots of ideas to build your confidence but also to push you out of your comfort zones 😉

really looking forward to your feedback - I want to make this perfect for you all 😍



Hi Bonny, This is the first time i have paid a Patreon subscription it was a little scary but i worked it out and am so excited to learn from you, and to give back a little bit for all the hard work you to do help others. its greatly appreciated.


Bonny, as you already know. I am very excited to be with you. I am eager to learn as much as possible. It looks like I am the only one so far from the US. There will be more. There are a lot of ways that I can get hold of you I sent you a text to get started on a project already. please let me know how to do this so we can communicate. I am excited. THANK YOU!!!