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So I definitely didn't get to Mine last month like I said I was going to. I'm sorry for that. But I'm working on her now. I hope this makes up for my lack of commitment last month. Though I will say, this is not in the traditional art style that I draw in. I can't even say I draw anymore. This is 100% a painting. I love working with shapes. I'm still trying to figure out my shape language. But I'm digging the colors and silhouette here. The orange really pops out against the blue, and I didn't even mean for it too. It was just a happy accident. 

Originally, this was just going up on the internet, but I like it so much that I'm going to make it a print as well. It's too good to pass up. 

Hope the week didn't treat you too bad! It's almost over!

love you! <3



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