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I hope the weekend is going well! I impulsively bought myself a switch with money I definitely don't have. Do I regret it? Not yet. I'm loving pokemon!! I'm gonna make sure to control myself tho. Otherwise, I'm going to forget about drawing. I feel like it's been forever since I've posted. I know it hasn't but since I've been playing pokemon, my rhythm is off. Here's Akame stretching. It's just a WIP as of now, but I'm planning on finishing it up by Monday. I wanna go back and work on the Charlotte piece. It's so painterly. I love the lines and colors of the background and how she meshes with it so well. I tried something like that here. Okay. I'll let you be. Have a nice weekend! Enjoy!

love you <3

p.s. I'll start drawing up some Kurome poses soon. Lemme know if there's any that you'd like to see! aiming for 4-5 poses. 



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