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And the wait is finally over! The first update for the brand new comic series that you all wanted to see - Growing Confidence, is here, as we begin the story, narrated by Amelia herself as she tell you all about the tough situation she got herself into, and of course, meeting the towering Danielle for the first time

God, I am so excited to take you through this story!

If you didn't know what this is going to be about, you can check out the description of the series below (it has slightly been change and development throughout the process, making it even more exciting!):

A woman who just lost her day job feeling lost over her future, depressed, she stress ate to discover that her body has suddenly grown temporarily in size, first  startled, worried, then excited, she slowly begins to use the discover  of her power to her advantage as she climb the ladder of the world and  become the towering figure both men and women craves

I hope you all enjoy the first ever update of the series! As per usual, we are going to have a 40 page update every Sunday, and I will try to aim for it to be about 350 pages long, but no promises if I got carried away in the middle!

Today is also the day where The Legend of The Ten Rings chapter 2 will head in store, each of you should be receiving a download link of the chapter within the next 24 hours and if not, make sure you drop me a message!

Next week is going to be exciting as we release the full growth sequence for Growing Appetite, with only one or two updates left for it to be finished, as well as pushing for a short-ish, but important-ish update for We Got a BIG Problem!

Thank you all so much for supporting me once again!



Hades VFX

Looks promising!