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Wow, it definitely felt like time flew by when the last update was on Tuesday, here we are again for another update of The Legend of The Ten Rings chapter 2, continuing our story with Juliana quickly settling into her new, much better role, guiding the rest of them to satisfy Elizabeth's demands, getting a taste of what is like to be in a position of absolute power, the absolutely addictive feeling of being worshiped before she was treated with another game, a game she certainly isn't too interested in playing!

With the ring completely out of action since the night before, will it make a comeback during this little party, and will its power finally be discovered by the clueless wearer? Well, I think we are certainly pushing towards the peak of this chapter, with a lot of growth to come, and some secrets to be discovered soon!

I hope you enjoy this update!

Next week is the last week before Christmas, and I'm still trying to stick to the regular updates with a big growth sequence coming for We Got a BIG Problem as we power through the first growth sequence(hopefully!), as well as a new poll for the animation ideas!

I'm also slowly getting things set up for another Sunday challenge, which will most likely be done next Sunday, or the week after, I will send a post about it when I get close so, stay tuned!

Thank you so much for supporting me!




I hope she gets lucky!