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My lord, sounding a 11 minute animation is absolutely no joke at all, especially when there's so much involved and a lot of things I have never done before, like the sound switch between an air-sealed chamber and the outside, but after a week of head pulling, 66 individual tracks for sound, so much that I have to basically drag for a full two seconds to get to the bottom of the page, I am almost there!

I know it is supposed to be released tonight, I am only just about a minute or so left on the animation and I don't want to rush it to just hit today's release date, and rather spend an extra day to polish it, check for errors and have them fully ready for you all! I'm sorry about missing the release date, I'm sure some of you are eagerly waiting for this, but it will definitely be done in the next 24 hours!

Having spent most of my time this week on the sound and having the animation released tomorrow, I will be pushing the TLTTR update for a day as well, with the 40 pages of update releasing on Monday

Once again, much apologies for the delay and I hope you understand



Christoper Cross

Godspeed, this is a herculean task of editing I'm sure


Thank you, but god, i was literally running out of tracks to put on! The mountain is almost climbed and it is totally worth it!!


Looks simple enough. (sarcasm) 😨😨I think my brain is gonna explode just looking at that screen shot lol


Hahaha yeah my brain has exploded too, but for a good cause! I actually can't believe I am nearly done with it, like, it's crazy how long it is and how much time I've put into it and see the final thing in front of me! Best days of my life

Alexandre Reed

You do such good work, I rather you take your time then rush it. Thanks for the communication


Thank you for the patience!! I really appreciate it, it is almost done now, will be here tonight!