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Hello everyone!

Time flies, it only feels like days ago when I had to uproot my home and spend a week traveling across the country to my new home, causing a bit of disruption with my content updates. Now, as we speed through the start of May, you must be wondering what I have in store for you all! 

Well, I can tell you for sure that, with my big home move done and dusted, I am back to my full production capability and May is going to be an exciting month ahead!

Here's what I will be having in store for you all:

  • We Got a BIG Problem - Completion

There are only two more updates left before the end of the long, long animation, almost over 10 minutes long by the look of it, and I plan to complete the animation by the end of this week (or the start of the next), with all of you able to see a completed cut of the animation footage next week! After that, it is only a few more work on the VA, sound and facial that I have to work with into the month before it is finally ready for you all!

There was a little delay in finding a VA for Cassie, but I managed to get us a pretty big name! I will let you all know a bit more when I release the first sound test for the animation!

I am so excited to be completing this project! It is almost the same magnitude as The Chamber of Absorption, and the result is going to be spectacular!

The first of the two updates this week will arrive on Thursday, so make sure you check back in here for a lot of destruction and growth!

= You can check out all the previous updates, all the way from the beginning, right here =

  • The Game of Expansion

Being the largest animation project I might ever do, it is coming along pretty nicely with us nearly passing the phase of the battle between the two titans, and you all know who's going to be next, with our main protagonist - Violet, waiting by the entrance!

It is only one update away from the camera focusing back on our gorgeous Violet, and of course, she's going to grow!

I might post another full WIP Video, replacing the previous one, for the entirety of the battle between Jess and the muscular woman, and I will release that sometime next week!

It's gonna be exciting to be pushing for this animation, I haven't gotten started on the starting sequence, as they are not entirely giantess or growth related, more like a start of a film. So I might end up doing that bits by bits overtime, and drop an update here and there when I get enough of footage!

= You can check out all the previous updates, all the way from the beginning, right here =

  • Shape UP Fitness

Having just a little pause for the animation while I was focusing on finishing We Got a BIG Problem, I will be focusing mostly on this animation from the start of next week, aiming to complete this by June!

We are only a single update away from Kate's growth sequence, and I am planning to spend quite a bit of time on it to attempt a few new things!

I will post more about it when I get there!

= You can check out all the previous updates, all the way from the beginning, right here =

  • Growing Confidence

There’s still a bit of story for us to go through before the end of the chapter, but we are getting quite close! With the slight bit of chaos in schedules at the moment, however, it will most likely arrive at the end of May in a big update, instead of fortnightly update this month so I could put some more time into finishing up We Got a BIG Problem

We might get a little surprise coming up tho, as I suddenly felt an urge to do a minute or two long animation extending one of the shower scenes from Growing Confidence, it is gonna be a proper short challenge and I hope you will like it!

= You can check out all the previous updates, all the way from the beginning, right here =

Well, that's about it for now, there's a ton of work ahead of my and fingers crossed I will get everything right on time for you all! It's going to be an exciting month ahead that's for sure!!

Thanks you all again for your incredible support and I am honored to be creating contents for our community!


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