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Hello everyone!

A bit of an update for you all, the hardest part of the move is almost over and I'm on my way to my new home, and I am just starting to slowly return to my productions!

I feel bad for the lack of content this week, so I put together the full footage of The Game of Expansion we have created so far, already at 7 minute in length and we haven't even gotten to Violet yet! It is definitely going to be the longest animation I have ever done and with Violet's match coming up next, I'd say we will easily get to 20 minute in length, just enough to call it a proper short film!

You can watch the footages from the very beginning down below in 4K:



I hope you enjoy!

Hopefully I will be able to put out an update for We Got a BIG Problem at the end of the week, if not early next week as we slowly resume back to normal production! I still have a bit of distance to cover for the move, as well as waiting for my computer to arrive, but we will get back to normal very, very soon!

Thank you all again for supporting me!




Did someone say VIOLET?


Right now we are not seeing Violet a lot, but it is only a part of this animation and Violet will be the center for the rest of them!


Good luck getting to your new home! I hope the Australian wildlife won't get too much in the way 😂