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With We Got a BIG Problem really only just one big update away from completing its full animation, I wanted to do something a bit more special for you guys, and one thing I have not yet attempted, was a POV from our growing goddess

Spending a few days on working out how it would look, I'm pretty happy with the result, the animation did get a bit too dark for a short render to look good at the end, something I will have to fix up in a moment!

But enjoy our mysterious goddess watching the tiny structures around her getting even smaller, as she casually levels a few buildings with a drop of her leg:



I hope you enjoy!

We should currently be on track for another update of The Game of Expansion on Sunday as we watch the effect of the gas acting almost instantly on our muscular woman, and on top of that, we also have a tiny bit of an announcement on Saturday so, stay tuned!

Thank you all so much for supporting me!!



Sam Droogan

I like the turn it's taken towards the end with this unsuspecting growing girl! I'm loving it and what's fueling her own expansion


It looks so sick! I'd love an entire growth animation from the giantess' POV


We take a short break from Cassie but we all know she's coming very, very soon!