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Hello everyone, thanks for waiting, I would like to present the game Goddess Training 4.

The game focuses on the story between Sarah's world adventure and humanity's fate in the war of the Goddesses.

The game has a few events where you lose the boss battle.

Special thanks to "Darren van der Valk", he did a massive amount of work to help me correct the English grammar in the game.

The dialogue in the game becomes more interesting than the original thanks to him.

I have made the game a lot easier, however, the puzzles can be a bit difficult, I hope everyone can enjoy it.


The game has been updated on the folder link monthly, please check it.

For new supporters, please send me a message, and I will send you the folder link monthly.

Updated version of English grammar correction, please check the link folder.

Information about upcoming updates will be uploaded in a while.



Darren van der Valk

An honor and a privilege Nya, thank you for the opportunity (o^ ^o) I hope everyone can enjoy it (´,,•ω•,,)


Congrats on the main release nya 🎉, pretty excited to see Darren's creative takes on the story along with dialogue improvements 😄, will certainly give it another go! (When work stops tearing me a new one today 🤣) Massive props to you and Darren for the time and effort sunk into this latest entry of the gt series! I think everyone, had a lot of fun playing through the first few runs even without the improvements 😆, so I think this would certainly be a step up in the story quality! especially loved to read the interactions the most so can't wait to try it out xD. Thanks for all the hard work!


Thank you Flan, I'm glad to hear you'll try one more time, I'm sure it will be much more enjoyable. 😆


Nice job Nya and Darren for taking the time to make this awesome game. Can’t wait to to get into cause I know it was good work done by y’all two teamwork.

Alwin Integer

Really enjoyed the prologue and the maid's interactions. The prose is amazing at the start. A big thumbs up for that. It's quite epic, perhaps surprisingly so. The new animation for attack sequences are a nice addition too. The maid is hilarious. Even if the main characters are the goddesses, she's gotta be the best girl xD I could listen to more of her shenanigans Thanks for the hard work, Nyagato-nyan! And thanks for smithing with words, Darren

Darren van der Valk

Thank you for the kind words Alwin. As I'm sure you noticed I had a lot of fun touching up the Maid's dialogue in particular. I was quite liberal in my creative liberty there~ Really happy you enjoyed it! (*≧ω≦*)


No problem guys just spitting straight facts


Thank you Alwin Integer, I'm glad you liked it. I will try to keep the next update interesting 😄


Just finished it last night, oh so tired lol but it's a blast to do it again, second both Joseph and alywin, I had a good chuckle out of the size puns 🤣 , each character also had a more laid out personality, the maid especially as highlighted xD, love her schemes~

Darren van der Valk

Thank you Flan, that's exactly what I had intended (o˘◡˘o) Expanding on their personalities and giving each a unique and distinct feel while also ensuring that the conversations felt natural in flow. Also it's really fun to break the fourth wall in self insert size humour so it's awesome that you found it as funny as I had (*¯︶¯*)


So far the balance has felt good battle wise and game wise in terms of puzzles and battles. Nothing has felt difficult to figure out and the battles Have been simple. The only crazy battle I dealt with was the mermaid one where she honestly... Did WAY too much damage even for me being what I believed to be slight overleveled. Thankfully the healing ability for the fight effected all enemies to stack healing of that would have been nearly unwinnable with how much damage her wave attack did :/ May wanna look into that attacks damage cause it's pretty wild for the amount of HP you have early on... Honestly a big step up in terms of the previous games with animated battle scenes smooth and everything working great. Only ran into one bug in the cavern where you had to push the colored lights to the proper areas. The game screen froze randomly but you could still hear everything going on in the background but the image for the game was a still frame. Could open menues and still move around but couldn't see anymore. Didn't happen but once and it happened while pushing one of the lights.


Thanks for the feedback Chris, I'll make boss battles easier in the future ^_^. Regarding the bug you mentioned, maybe it's a random bug, if it doesn't happen often then just reload the save and continue.

Alwin Integer

What level were you? I found it quite alright, not that difficult. At the time I've reached her, I was lvl 17


Does this mean the game is further ahead in terms of events? As in, do we get to go to the next area after taking down the Mermaid Princess? Or is it just updating the english dialogue?


Hi MacsquizzyGTS, the game has just been updated with the English dialogue. I'm still working on making new content updates for the game.


Hey NyaGato and Darren I just got done with the game and here my opinion. It was awesome and it got me hype for the next part. Thanks for including my subjection from before. Oh hey on Oct 3 gonna be my birthday 🎉.


Thank you Joseph, I'm glad you like the game. 😆 It's October 3 at my place, so happy birthday to you, wish you a very happy birthday. 🎉


I don't recall exactly, but it was just rather insane how much her wave attack was doing. Even at higher levels she could 2 shot me and used it VERY frequently was my luck. Literally if I didn't potion between turns she would just destroy me. I was close to I think 1 K health or so? but the wave attack literally dealt like 600 to 700 damage or somewhere close to that. And it didn't seem to have a cooldown. Honestly it was the only instance where a fight had a slight unfair feeling to it up until I used the absorb ability and found it worked on ALL enemies and essentially fully healed me and damage at the same time. I don't think she was unbeatable as I did win, but that attack I felt was a bit harsh overall and too frequent. Maybe use it after a charge up or something to add a reason to guard perhaps. Other then that, everything else was fine.


I do have to speculate on the future story tho. The ending of the current game leaves a LOT of room for... ANYTHING to happen now. And given that the goddess of time can literally just.. revert another goddess back to before they were powerful... What is to stop her from doing that to any of the others really? Time will always be overpowered it seems


Yeah, let's wait for the next updates to see what will happens. 😄

Darren van der Valk

Also wishing you a very happy birthday Joseph! Happy you found the game to your liking (ᵔ◡ᵔ)