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Hello, thanks for waiting, this is a short game that I have made in half a month.

I am not sure if it is a good game or not but I hope everyone can enjoy it.

For Patron 15$ I was added an folder contain all artworks in game but I think you should play the game first to enjoy before see it xD.

About how to get artwork in game:

I have some information for artwork in game:

1 when you get Game over in floor 2

1 when you get Game over in floor 3

1 when you get Game over in final floor.

1 when you click on green tower and build any tower you want in final floor.

1 when you defeat final boss in the final floor (you should build only Ice tower in the final floor.

Link download the new game : 



Flandre Scarlet

The second map is so hard. She goes across the map so fast


I cannot figure out how to start a monster wave. I've looked for a readme file in case there were instructions, I've clicked all the buttons on the screen, I've used up all my gold, but I still have no idea how to get that first monster wave to start. In the game it just says you have to start it and wait for the countdown timer to run out but how do you start the timer in the first place? I'm probably bein stupi and missing something obvious.


Link does not exist


MacsquizzyGTS if i am not wrong hitting the lever on the right side should work in starting the wave




You can try this full link : https://mega.nz/file/FEY0iAYC#SBCXIZ8FBUyYaVxbOhbpZkRmtLxp-GG6EfD-xWlo74g


You can press Z in this switch for start new wave https://ibb.co/rkcSVnj


It was a good game. Thanks to you, I had a great time.


You're welcome, thanks for playing xD


I‘ found a bug. https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-49dd8f-1589403043.jpg.html


Can you tell me what have you done before this bug appear?, because I can't know exactly what is this bug with your picture ^^


Yeah I couldn't see it at first because it sort of blended into the tile it was sitting on but I eventually found it, thank you.


Thank you, I found it, I also have two bugs to report 1: An error if you lose the first map, It says it can't find an image file or something and says to hit f5 to restart teh game. I'll have to replicate it to get a screenshot though. 2: If you kill the giantess while she's talking it will loop her dialogue on the screen indefintely, even when you move to a new map. I encountered this on map 2 when she spots the harbour and map three when she spots the city near the exit magic circle thing. I killed her in map 3 before she even moved towards the big city and map 4 seemed to indicate that she's supposed to destroy that city sine the area it was in is destroyed, so I guess my defense was overpowered. Both cases make the game very hard to play since you lose all control and can't click on anything while her dialogue is playing, So I couldn't finish the game and have had to restart and try to win without killing her too fast to avoid the error.


I played it, I beat it, it was pretty good. Especially given this was just a short side project, it's pretty well polished for the time spent. It definitely does not seem like something you just threw together quickly. So bravo. I don't know if you're interested in critiques or not so I'll hold off for now.


Thank you for the feedback, that is some bugs due to plugins of Rpg maker mv is not completed xD


Yes, I want to hear all of player feedback, it's will be experience for me to make more better game in the future.

ItsyBitsy Tiny

if you kill miku while she is going through a dialouge she will repeat the dialouge over and over again and you cannot progress onto the next map. this is embedded into the save and when you close the game and reopen it will continue to repeat with no end. other than that good game (and more loli miku pelase)


I found this bug also, but otherwise great game!


Thank both of you for the feedback, I will fix that bug in the next version xD, (and Loli will appear more in my game in future ^^)