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And here is page 3. Coloring is now underway. Just always remember since these are WIPs that things are still subject to change. I'm not entirely sure I like Cinder's face here, so that will probably get fixed up. Love you all!




Iam loving it

Taylored Printers

So is that Cinder's face, or Neo's Cinder face?

Taylored Printers

Also, just a thing, but I think you got Weiss's spine in the bottom of the page really bent out of wack, I'd say Lower her hips, or have Cinder lifting them up from behind?


Yeah I hear you, I'm experimenting with the pose a bit. That last shot is the climax so I wanted them both slamming her, causing her back to bend a bit. I probably will fix it a bit cause it does look a bit wonky.