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Happy new year to everyone! Little bit late, eh?

Here's her reading a book or being a "book worm" as requested. 

Had a bad case of burning out since xmas and a motivational dead end, so pardon me, if these look rushed or too different from each other.

Also i did tinker with converting her from gen8 to gen8.1, so she might look a little bit different, might just keep using the old gen8, lost some details and gained some new, gave her physical eyebrows too. so idk. will see. 




Happy new year right back at you!!


Happy New Year to you. :) Thank you for the return of the Book Worm! ^_^ I see what you mean by G8.1F, as her physical tones are so defined. In some ways it gives her more real-looking flesh, but the muscle seems a bit much for her, I don't know. As for the renders, they are fine. You have nothing to worry about. ;) And I personally like the "Come hither" one, myself. She can read me a story any day. Lovely. <3


Thanks, glad i could deliver! :) I'll see what i can do with the muscle, i did give her vascular details, but not a lot, that might give the muscle-y look, i will fine tune it with time. Yeah, the G8.1 did change the look a little bit. Second pic is also my favorite from the set, it did turn out better. Thanks again! <3