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Allenoveah is a massive continent that is set in a fictional worlds southern hemisphere. The temperate lowlands in the south are separated from the northern heartland by a range called the Vertebrae mountains. This is my first official fictional world. Please offer feedback if you think I should do more of these. I'll prepare the download in a couple of weeks to patrons. 

A volcanic wasteland inspired by Jupiter's moon Io claims the scorching northwestern region. 

The Southwest holds a peninsula with large pine forests and tundras. 

The East has vast plains, hilly regions, and massive sunflower meadows. 

The lowland basin in the south is packed with different biomes. The bellamecian plain dominates it with the lower Vetabrea mountains shutting it off from the west.

The northeast holds the Reidomarines, tropical jungles, deserts, islands, savannahs, mountain ranges, and buttes.

The heartlands in the middle are full of plains, valleys, forests, and Mediterranean seasides.




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