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So ive been having some problems with my old art program no longer reading any of my working files, which has meant i havent been able to work on any of my wips recently and might not be able to for a little while! I think i have a work around, but ive changed to a new program now and am having to adjust how i normally draw to this new setup, so please bare with me for a while! In the meantime have some brush test reigens lol

Also if you haven't joined the discord server, you'll get more updates and stuff there, so i do recommend joining if youd like!




He is adorable!!! Hopefully the problem will be solved soon though ;o; But these thurned out lovely !!! ((OMG I love his leg fuzzies -screams-)) Also YESH FOLKS JOIN THE DISCORD ITS GREAT lots of fun to be had and lots of lovely arts to see !!!!! :D


It looks so cute! I’ve been meaning to get into this show/manga but I just don’t have the time! The button up shirt with a preg belly is amazing. Also oof tech problems are the worst, hope you figure it out soon.


It's really good!! The animation and style of mob is so so good I really love it! I haven't read the manual myself yet, but I really want to after the anime! And thank you!