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Its ready! I have just connected the discord server to patreon, and everything should be live and ready to go! please go check it out and make sure to read the rules and behave accordingly!

The server is still very new, and me and my mods are working out hardest to make sure everything runs smoothly, but there's still a chance that there will be some hiccups along the way so please be patient with us and let us know immediately if theres any issues you find!

Im really excited for this to be a new patreon feature, and hope everyone enjoys it! I will try to be around as much as I can, but obviously with time zones I may not always be there at convenient times! Hopefully with time this will be an exciting staple for patreon from now on!



Oooooh is there a link? :D my discord isnt link to patreon i dont think 😅 oh and 100% id be up for helping! It wouldnt let me reply to the previous comment for some reason. Patreon on mobile is weird 😅


The best way to do it would be through patreon so it assigns you your rewards, but i can send you a link if you prefer, and if youd like to try out modding we can discuss that as well! Patreon is a bit garbage for conversations lol so ill message you on twitter!


Link to it?


If you connect your discord to your patreon it will join you into the server!