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Uh ohhh new resi game to think about 👀




YES! A thousands times yes! There’s been a small movement of RE8 mpreg on twitter and I have the big thirst for it now! Besides horror games are ten times more intense with a pregnancy involved just saying


HELL YES YOU KNOW IT !!!! Freaking the game is beyond amazing to watch info about and OMG LADY DIMITRESCU COMING UPON A PREGGY ETHAN HELL FUCKING YES like just it makes the game all the more amazing honestly and just him having to fight his way out protecting his little one is freaking ALL THE YES and just adds to the whole thing in my eyes makes the whole fantasy even more fun!! I freaking love this lke OMG picturing his water breaking at the worst time trying to not give into labor pains when he is running and hiding AHHHHHH YESSSSSS!!! These are some amazing drawings the detail is lovely and OMG THE BELLY IS PERFECT and the little one looks like a precious little bean what a sweetheart OMG bet it gives him motivation to work harder to get out of there <3 (you made him look even cuter than he normally does okay <3) legit love the new resi game and the mpreg that comes with it!!!!!!! <3


Yesss, all the art has definitely inspired me, and ethan being a dad is just too sweet of a plot point i cant not want to make more baby content for him 😭 and so true, all the tension 😍


Thank you! All resi protags should be pregnant, its just the correct choice