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Alright, I'm feeling adequately recovered from my mildly manic week, thanks for sticking around folks I forgot to take my meds for a few days there and was off in the void of my mind but we back and ready to fuck it up 👍

But that does mean it is once again time for this month's poll ideas! So, type you ideas, comments, suggestions or requests in the comments of this post (or if you'd like to send my a private message that's fine too) and in a few days they'll be up on this month's poll to vote for! The top suggestions will be what becomes this month's rewards!

Also a reminder that I assume all request are for art unless specified otherwise, so if your idea is for something written please say so.

Let's goooo 👀



A very pregnant boy trying to jerking off


if you're open to it A) a dragon/lizard/reptile OC birthing eggs or B) more human breeder + sea creature birth like you did with elrin back on tumblr 💕


Sounds interesting! And by human breeder did you mean pokemon breeder, elrin, or just an OC?