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Everyones favourite pharmacist 😊




The good news about being a pharmacist is that Baizhu knows all the tips and tricks for dealing with symptoms! Though it looks like the morning sickness might be a bit too much for him. And wow he gets so big! He might end up giving Bennett a run for his money. Also the water breaking on the counter is amazing. Water breaking while doing things is too good.


Definitely! I'm sure he whipped up something for his nausea as soon as he could after that! And yesss water breaking while busy is so good!!!


I love how his water broke at the worst time now he has to get off that counter while he is dealing with contractions OMG POOR FELLA ;O; At leat being a pharmacist he can give himself whatever he needs for his pregnancy thankfully cause shoot he doesnt seem the type to handle labor all that easy maybe some nice pain concotion will help him out ;o; Also ahhhhh him with a tiny bump is ADORABLE!!!! I really hope wheoever he was getting those medicines for when his water broke is patient cause OH BOY lol XD <3