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i also got very distracted by big milky badonks




Hey if the every expanding belly isn't a dead giveaway or the milk filled chest, the eventual birth tends to be a pretty good sign that you were in fact pregnant. I love this so much especially when dad is in denial and realizes they have to feed that baby!


No matter how obvious it is hes knocked up, ibuki is usually going the extra mile to deny it 😭 but the baby definitely makes it hard to continue denying it 😂


Ahhhhh I love some denial with pregnancy legit that is some of the absolute best stuff right there and gosh Ibuki is so pretty I swear ;o; I love that defiant look in his eyes in the first pic how it softens with more realization and stufff ahhhhh its so goooood aand OMG HIS BAB IS PRECIOUS ;O; Milky men are some of the best tbh XD Love some good lactation ahhh these are abslytely lovely no wonderd you got distracted by the milky badonks XD This is great! <3