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How long do you think he was holding back for if he managed to push that much out first go? 👀




I love his blue highlights so much! Also struggling not to give birth is just a top tier birth trope that I drop dead for every time. Can you imagine the poor mods trying to control the absolute chaos that was probably this stream. I can just imagine he's playing and every now again giving updates, like: 'water broke' or 'contraction, strong one this time' maybe even 'babys moving down' all while focusing on the game! I wonder if he set up a 'birth camera' for the higher tier members and donators. Man I hope we seem more of what ever gamer boy gets up to. The ideas are endless!


yessss him casually giving updates on his labor as he plays video games is so good!!! and a birth camera for his members is definitely a fun idea 👀 i love all the great ideas everyone has for him!

Prof. Weid

Well, congratulation Very nice pic too and happy to see the gamer boy again~