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What a champ, giving birth all by himself!




Bennett giving birth by himself like a pro, major props. Might want to put that on his Guild resume. I used to think Childe would end up with an army of kids but with Bennett’s luck now I’m not so sure. Seriously though you’ve been on fire this week, each drawing has been better than the last!


Ahhhhh Bennett is best birther he was set on meeting his little adventurer and got two out of the deal OMG I ADORE how precious he is in the 3rd and 4th pics like even throughout all the pain he is so happy to meet his little one that is so cute I bet he took the pain in stride knowing how excited he has been to meet his little one not even letting it make him scream and stuff ahhhhh and just when he welcomes the little one holy heck SO CYOOOOOOT also love him floppe ovr in the 8th pic with that realization lol But dangit he should be proud he gave birth to two sweetihearts <3 And just they look beyond precious and seems he has a full party ready to go which is PRECIOUS ahhh this whole series has been wonderful. Also I RELLY love how you capture bennet t's personality in these he is so sweet and determined and excited even when it hurts just really make the whole set even more special and sweet and rewarding!!! :D


Thank you 💖 and Bennett will just have to be extra careful now!! And I wouldn't pose the challenge to childe, there'll be no stopping him then 😭


Bennett is a pro at pain, that's for sure! He's definitely good in a crisis! And thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed them!