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Would love to hear any more ideas on how Bennett's pregnancy would go 👀




'A little adventurer on the way' PLEASE YOURE MAKING HIM TOO ADORABLE 😭 I almost wanna wish him a safe, happy & easy pregnancy. BUT sunshine boy is not gonna get off so easy! He doesn't realize he's having multiples, either doc gets it wrong or he never gets himself checked out, he ends up with quads or quints with his crazy bad luck. his belly gets so big so fast but it doesn't stop him from adventuring even though his bad luck continues, he gets into a lot of scrapes where his belly makes its harder to dodge/fight back, and escapes with only minor injuries thanks to some passing knights/diluc/travler/razor. He gets braxton hicks contractions a lot during his final months, gives himself and friends a lot of scares, enough so that when he gets contractions for real he thinks hes perfectly fine until things go south very quickly. He gets ambushed by a bunch of mitachurls+abyss mages and his braxton hicks instead of letting up, get more agonizing, causing him to slip up and get rammed into by a mitachurl axe, twisting his body as he tries to protect his belly and ends up breaking his leg (sorry benny), he realizes he cant get up the same time he sees his soaked shorts👌he was knocked back quite a ways but his enemies are approaching fast and he cant get up and contractions gare etting worse and the babys slipping down- and eventually his friends find him sometime later, holding three of his babies while still laboring to push the rest out, just in time to save him from a mitachurl's killing blow. ((omg also what if hes like on his hands and knees over his babies while struggling to give birth to the rest- like protecting them with his whole body as his last line of defense)). and THEN cute recovery/ everyone cooing over the babies and him in the infirmary 😜


HE WAS ALREADY ADORABLE I JUST KNOCKED HIM UP AHSHAKAK 😂 and yesssss surprise multiples for Bennett is so good!! Still trying to adventure and fight even as his belly grows bigger and bigger, and everyone has to keep dragging him back to mondstadt 😭 He would absolutely not realise he was in labor until it was far too late, and ending up in a dangerous situation when he finally realises its the real deal???? 😭👌 curled over on the ground trying to get away while realising he is about to give birth right now?? So good! And him using his body to shield his babies as a last defence just as rescue arrives 😭😭😭😭 aaaaaaaa sweet Bennett, at least everyone takes good care of him and the babies, and he's not allowed to adventure alone ahahah


When you have to make your own adventure team