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Just another day for the unlucky adventurer!




Bennett buddy your luck is only gonna get more amazing as time goes on XD Especially since goodness that was a big fella you were with loll pretty sure the kiddo or kiddos is gonna be HUGE X3 AHHH I love how cute he is I swear you draw him even more adorably than he already is!!! :D


Cannot stop thinking about your Bennet!!!!! so many bad luck scenarios for him to get into its like he was truly made for being bred 😩 that dick is so big & juicy no wonder it ripped, also his little uh oh face is adorable!


Aaahh! Thank you, he's absolutely perfect for breeding! And all the situations he can get himself into during his pregnancy too 😍 and there was no saving him with a dick so big, no way he wasn't getting pregnant