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I wasnt sure if it looked better with my crappy background or the actual photo 🤔




Ahhhhh this is amazing XD I laughed way harder than I should have at Ray being buff dad like YEAH POSE POSE POSE lol XD Honestly both look great the photo version makes it look more like a meme like cause memes have that putting a pic over a pic kinda feel to em and you nailed it there!! but both versions are super cute tbh and really fun tbh plus the meme itself fits these two so good OMG lol <3 Love how precious of a bean Kale looks like and then you have Ray being like COOL AF love these two and their fam so much <3 <3 <3


The moment I saw this I knew what it was! Damn Ray, with a body like that it's no wonder Kale keeps getting pregnant. The picture with Ray looks fine with your coloring but the opposite with Kale.


Thank you ahaha and yeah I agree, I think I prefer the photo version after looking at it again! The meme suits them so well I'm embarrassed it took me so long to realise 😂


Exactly 👀 how can he resists his beefy werewolf boyfriend!?!?! He cannot lol and yeah I've definitely gotta work on my background but i just hate them so much ahaha so I can never motivate myself to put more than the littlest amount of effort into them!