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Hey everyone! Time for suggestions for this months poll! Leave me a comment or send me a message with your suggestion for characters or situations you wanna see this month!



Ok I just had an idea, sorry if I put too many but I needed to share this idea. A magical boy who just happens to be pregnant.


No problem! There's not really a limit on ideas so feel free! And ooh I do like the sounds of that


Ahhhh another fun fun month of magic! Ahhhh what about Kale giving birth to one of his kiddos like he is fun to see normally but goodness a good birth drawing would be extremely fun maybe his first or something :D Would really love to see Kaeya getting it rough still hella preg tied up a little because good lord he is such a butt and he probably likes things hella rough lol XD Oooooh since valentines day is here how about something cute with the chocobros maybe Noct and Prom being both hella preg and their both really snuggly and happy and just they got each other some sort of valentines gift and their both really emotional and happy <33 (Maybe their future designs haven't seen much art of them both preg like that it sounds cyooooot <3) Ahhhhh would love to read something maybe a fella going into labor on a date and he is fighting back the labor to enjoy the time with who he is dating yet eventually the baby has other plans ;o; One last thing but I totes think Albedo being kicked in the bladder concept is adorable like so defo gonna second that!!!! Also I know you haven't drawn jojo on here (not sure if you want to or not but defo ignore this one if you dont want to) but like what about Bruno Bucciarati preg and knitting cute clothes for his little one just taking in the future <3 idk something cute and pure <3 But ahhhh this is gonna be a fun month everyone has suggested such amazing stuff already it's gonna be great ahhhhhh!!!!! <3


Labor on a date is such a good idea!