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Wow! Sorry for the wait on this one, took me longer than i thought to finish writing the written reward for january! but here we are, its done! i hope you enjoy it and I'd love to hear your thoughts


The dark room was quiet except for the soft sound of Ethan’s snoring. The gentle intake and release of each breath filled the cool night air as he slept deeply in his bed. Not even a sliver of light could be seen in the room and Ethan was out for the night.

So out, he couldn’t even feel the cool touch of darkness wrapping around his naked ankle. It crawled up his leg, winding loosely around his body as it grew higher and higher on him. He barely flinched as it slipped beneath his boxers, curling experimentally between his legs and finding the warm part of his body.

The only sound he could make was a sleepy sigh as it breached him, parting his lips and pushing inside with ease, taking it's time in filling him slowly as Ethan slept, blissfully unaware.


“I’m borrowing your shirt!” Ethan shouted, tugging the loose garment over his head and giving himself another once over in the mirror before retreating from his bedroom. Abby was standing in the kitchen stirring scrambled eggs when she looked up to see him.

“Don’t you have your own clothes?” She said, giving him an exasperated smile as he walked over to her with her shirt hanging off one shoulder.

“I do,” He smiled, “but none of mine are soft, and warm, and smell like you.”

“Stop being cute,” Abby laughed, leaning over to kiss him as he stood beside her and wrapped his arms around her, carefully avoiding the hot stove.

He kissed her back quickly before his nose wrinkled at the smell of cooked eggs beside him, nausea suddenly bubbling inside his stomach as he recoiled from the stove.

“Ugh, are those eggs bad?” he asked, stepping back and covering his mouth and nose with his hand to block the smell.

Abby gave a confused look over her shoulder before sniffing at the eggs again.

“They smell fine to me? Fresh scrambled eggs with a generous helping of cheese!”

The sudden sound of retching alarmed her as she whipped around to find Ethan doubled over the sink, heaving. She dropped the whisk and abandoned the eggs to the side as she began to rub at Ethan’s back and soothe him as he threw up,

“Wow, OK, you’re alright,” Abby shushed, waiting for Ethan to stop heaving and catch his breath again. “You okay? You should’ve told me if you were feeling sick.”

“I wasn’t a minute ago, the smell of the eggs just hit me is all…” Ethan moaned into the sink, still spitting and coughing up the last of his sick.

“That’s so weird, they didn’t smell off to me,” Abby frowned, rubbing Ethan’s back in small circles still. “Maybe we’ll just have some toast for breakfast instead, how does that sound?”

“Better than scrambled eggs,” Ethan said with a wince, “Sorry, babe, you know I usually love your cooking.”

“Hey, don’t sweat it. I’d make you plain toast for breakfast everyday if that’s what you wanted” She smiled at him, pushing his short curls back from his forehead and placing a small kiss there. “How about you relax and I’ll bring you some tea as well, OK?”

“Thanks, Abby, I’d kiss you if I didn’t taste like vomit,” Ethan weakly grinned at her before he trudged towards his bathroom.

He rinsed his mouth thoroughly before brushing his teeth to rid himself of the stinging aftertaste of bile before finding himself collapsed on the couch feeling one thousand times more worn out than he had when he woke up this morning.

Before long, Abby appeared with tea and toast in hand, placing them onto the coffee table before curling up beside Ethan and wrapping her arms around him.

“Feeling better?” she asked softly, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Yeah, just tired now. I have no idea what came over me,” Ethan sighed, wrapping his arms around her as well and leaning into her weight comfortably.

“As long as you’re feeling better and you haven’t caught some weird stomach bug,” Abby said, reaching out to grab a slice of warm buttered toast and munching on it. “I could take the day off if you feel like being babied.”

“Nah, I’m ok now, and your boss will lose it if you call in sick right before your shift again,” Ethan chuckled, stealing a bite of toast when she brought it close to her lips. “I’ll let you know if I die though.”

“I appreciate it,” she grinned, pulling her toast out of his reach and biting it. “I should be able to come over again on Wednesday, but if you still feel like rubbish just call me sooner, OK?”

“Of course,” Ethan nodded, reaching for his own slice of toast, “Now… aren’t you going to be late for work?”

Abby smiled at him, and snuggled closer.


“Ethan, I’m home!” Abby’s voice called distantly with the click of the front door.

Ethan simply lifted his head up enough to peer over the couch to look at her before the twisting nausea had him curling back into a ball under his blanket. He felt Abby’s hand on his shoulder before realising she’d walked over to find him and was now staring down at him with a concerned frown on her face.

“Still feel sick, hun?” She sighed, gently stroking his cheek as he winced and rolled towards her.

“I’ve thrown up more times this week than I have my entire life,” Ethan groaned with a sad little pout. He absolutely hated getting sick, and whatever he’d come down with had been thoroughly kicking his ass for more than a week now.

“I really do think you should get a check up, babe,” Abby sighed, “I’ve never seen you so sick.”

“They’re just going to say it’s a stomach bug or something anyway… it’ll pass,” Ethan pouted again, pulling the blanket up again with a shiver.

“Or they’ll say you have gastro and give you a shot,” Abby said, jabbing at what she guessed was his shoulder.

“If I have gastro, you have gastro, you’ve been in and out of my apartment all week,” Ethan mumbled defensively, squinting up at Abby.

She huffed out a sigh, frustrated at her boyfriend's refusal to seek medical attention for something so very obviously wrong with him. So, she just continued helping him however she could. “Have you eaten anything yet today?”

“Mnrghhh…” Ethan moaned into his blanket, curling deeper into himself followed by a muffled, “No.”

“I’ll cook you something then, anything come to mind that doesn’t make you wanna vomit at the sight of it?” Abby said, dropping her bag by the couch and retreating to the open kitchen behind the loungeroom and getting to work rummaging through Ethan’s fridge.

“Water,” Ethan’s muffled voice said, followed shortly by Abby sternly saying his name. “Maybe soup?”

“Soup it is,” Abby nodded, and got to work pulling out everything she needed to try to get Ethan to keep something down.


“Fuckfuckfuck- Coming!” Abby squealed wrapping her legs tighter around Ethan’s hips and clawing at his shoulders as he continued to thrust into her, moving in quick, stuttering motions as he drew closer to his own climax.

Ethan continued his grind into her, the pressure on his clit finally sending him over the edge as he panted into Abby’s shoulder, rolling his hips a few final times for good measure before collapsing against her. They lay there for a few moments catching their breath before Ethan finally rolled to the side, struggling to remove his strap-on before finally discarding it to the side and pulling Abby to curl into him.

“I love you so much,” Abby sighed, placing wet kisses along Ethan’s neck and jaw.

He grinned at her before placing a kiss on her lips, and returning a “I love you too.”

Abby’s hand came to rest upon Ethan’s stomach as she closed her eyes and breathed out a contented sigh before her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. She ran her hand up and down Ethan’s stomach experimentally before she felt his hand grab her wrist lightly, and she opened her eyes to stare at him.

“I know, I know… I put on some weight while I was sick, you don’t have to say anything,” Ethan said with a shake of his head, but Abby’s frown on grew deeper.

“Ethan… that’s not fat, I know what fat feels like,” she said, emphasizing her point by squishing at her own soft belly. “That’s not right, Ethan…”

“You’re overreacting, I’m just a little stocky or whatever,” Ethan shrugged, “maybe it’s just my rock hard abs finally making an appearance.”

Abby sat up quickly, taking in the full sight of his belly before tentatively running her hands over it. It was solid beneath her fingers, round and taught and raised off his abdomen by such a noticeable degree she’s mentally berating herself for not having seen it sooner. His stomach swelled off his body in a way that was too distinct to not concern Abby immediately to the point where she began scrambling for her phone.

“I’m calling the doctor and booking you an appointment, something’s really wrong now,” Abby said, frowning.

“What?” Ethan shot upright, which only made his stomach more prominent now seeing it with him sitting upright. “Abby, c’mon, it’s just a few kilos.”

“After you spent a week eating soup and throwing it up? Yeah right,” she grumbled, tapping out the phone number to their GP on her phone, “what if it’s a tumor or something? You could be totally dying and not even notice!”

“Abby, it’s not! Look at me, do I look like I’m dying?” Ethan says, spreading his arms as he pleaded with her.

She paused to look up from her phone, pinning him with an unimpressed look before pointedly looking down at where his stomach bulged in front of him.

“We won’t know until you see a doctor,” She said plainly, placing the phone to her ear as the call connected, quickly booking in an appointment for Ethan as he sighed and collapsed back onto the bed.


“A complete waste of time,” Ethan grumbled, fisting his hands in his jacket pockets grumpily and continuing to walk as Abby scrambled from her seat in the waiting room to catch up to him. His jacket and oversized shirt only just concealed the swell of his new belly beneath them as he walked.

“Did they say anything? What do they think it is?” Abby asked as she fell in step beside him, tucking her hand into the crook of his elbow.

“They took some blood, made me pee in a cup, said they’d get the results back soon and that I should probably make an appointment to have an ultrasound to make sure it's not like a tumor or cyst or whatever,” Ethan reported in a tired drawl.

“So they didn’t give you an answer?” Abby asked with a sad pout.

“Nothing that I won’t hear about in at least a week apparently,” Ethan rolled his eyes, “and some stupid comments about my appearance.”

“What?” Abby almost shouted, sounding thoroughly offended on Ethan’s behalf, “What did that asshole say!?”

“The first thing out of his mouth when he saw my stomach was about the ‘possibility of me being pregnant’” Ethan repeats with a snooty impersonation of the doctor’s words, “Which he firmly shut up about when I told him that was impossible because I’d spent the last several years fucking my girlfriend’s pussy.”

Abby smacked his arm lightly before giving him a shocked, “You did not!”

“Maybe I said it in a more… polite way, but the point was still made,” Ethan shrugged, small grin pulling at his lips, “but who cares. I wanna go home and snuggle on the couch or something.”

“Of course,” Abby smiled back at him, “Anything for my big brave boy!”


“You’re bigger…” Abby said slowly, staring at Ethan as she froze in the hallway from his front door. He stood in the middle of his kitchen staring at her, posture slumped but doing nothing to hide how much his stomach had swollen since the last time she’d seen him. Now his once oversized shirt barely covered his stomach that now swelled out in front of him like a beach ball.

“Nice to see you too…” Ethan frowned, fidgeting uncomfortably in front of his girlfriend, clearly thinking of a way to hide the shape of his stomach from her but knowing that he was far beyond that.

“How are you… when did…” Abby said, absently miming her hands in front of her to mimic the shape of his belly.

“Yeah, it just sort of… happened?” Ethan shrugged, scratching the back of his head timidly. “Like it just kept being bigger every day? I dunno.”

“Ethan! That’s bad!” Abby says, stomping her way quickly over to Ethan and grabbing his hand. She gave it a tight squeeze as she stared at him in a panic, “Didn’t the doctor get back to you with the results yet!?”

“I dunno, I missed a call from them the other day, but I haven’t called back yet,” Ethan grimaced as he watched Abby’s face get more shocked as he spoke.

“And you didn’t think calling them back was important when you look like you’ve swallowed a watermelon!?” Abby squeaked, trying to hold back from shouting but growing very near hysterical at how dismissive her boyfriend was acting over something quite so huge. Literally.

Ethan recoiled at that, trying to pull his hand back from hers and failing as she held him in a death grip, “Look, Abs, I know, OK? I’m all kinds of fucked up right now, so excuse me for not being super enthused about whatever the hell is wrong with me, OK?”

Abby’s tense muscles dropped at that, and she squeezed his hand in a way she hoped was reassuring. “I’m just worried about you, Ethan. I’ve never seen something like this happen before, and I don’t want you to hurt or… worse. Please, please, just let me take you to the hospital? Tomorrow at the latest.”

Ethan chewed his lip tensely, looking down at the ground only to be met with the size of his own distended stomach protruding from him before he nodded solemnly. “OK, first thing tomorrow.”

Abby’s hand pressed to his cheek, lifting his face enough to look at her. She gave him a soft smile and leaned to kiss his forehead. “Good. We’re gunna figure this out, and you’re going to be just fine.”

Ethan just nodded, a nervous pit in his stomach already twisting painfully inside him.


Ethan woke up to find it was still the middle of the night, he couldn’t be bothered finding his phone to check the time, but based on how dark his room was it was probably in the AMs. He looked to his side to find Abby snoring softly beside him, deep asleep. He blinked blearily in the darkness, brow furrowed as he tried to turn himself into a more comfortable position to fall asleep in, but failed thanks to the heavy weight that hung off him now.

He can’t say he didn’t notice his stomach swelling each day. He was viscerally aware of how tight his skin had stretched to accommodate it. How the heavy weight of it pulled on his back and hips. How tiny veins and stretch marks had creeped up the sides of his belly in all but a few days, leaving it red and angry looking. He was far too aware of the strange changes his body had made in only a few weeks, and so he had resolutely decided to ignore them, because whatever was causing this, he didn’t want to deal with it.

Whether he had cancer or a tumor or some strange rare disease that made him swell up like a balloon, he just didn’t want to add ‘heavy fucking belly’ to the list of problems in his life, so he simply didn’t. Which was easier said than done when every time Abby saw him these days her eyes honed in straight on his stomach, and that concerned little crease between her brows hadn’t gone away in days. He felt awful for making her worry so much, but he truly didn’t want to think about what was happening or what he would have to do to fix it.

Surgery would put him out of commission for weeks, and even being an at home video editor, he still wouldn’t be able to work much and leaving Abby to take care of him for so long made him feel worse than whatever was causing his stomach to grow. Really, after the constant bout of nausea passed and he could eat most foods again without retching, he hadn’t really noticed the changes until his clothes seemed to shrink and he kept bumping into things, belly first.

It only really got painful again when his stomach grew big enough he thought it was about to have it's own gravitational pull. That’s when the aches and pains began in full force, leaving him winded and tired with and aching back he could never stretch out. He could barely get a full nights sleep either, now tossing and turning restlessly, trying to force his body to be comfortable when every position seemed to leave some part of him aching.

Which is where he was at now, twisting clumsily around his heavy stomach to get comfortable when a shock of pain twinged through his belly. He winced and held the side of it, steadying himself with a breath. The pain must have woke him up, and he struggled to pull himself to rest upright against his pillow before staring down at himself.

Another pain rattled him, leaving him hissing as he instinctively held both sides of his belly as if it would stop the pain or contain it. He tried for as long as he could, just closing his eyes and sitting there, breathing slowly and biting back groans with each wave of pain. He could feel the sweat beading on his forehead and soaking his t-shirt as he panted quietly, trying not to wake Abby beside him. Though after what felt like hours of sitting and trying to wait out the pain, he was seconds away from shaking her awake and asking him to grab him some pain killers, not trusting his own legs to carry his weight to the bathroom and back without buckling under the pain.

He had a hand on her shoulder, just about to shake her awake when a sharp, stabbing pain, worse than any of the others rolled through him so hard he felt like something inside him broke. His eyes shot wide open and his teeth grit, barely containing the loud groan he let out as he felt something warm and damp soak his boxers and the sheets beneath him. His hands were shaking and his breath coming out in a barely controlled wheeze now as he tried to take mental stock of what the fuck just happened. Maybe he really was dying.

He shook Abby harder than he meant to, unable to control his nervous panic as he shook her awake, calling her name in a panicked whisper.

“Mn… Wha- Ethan? Wha’s goin’ on?” She slurred, blinking at him a few times as she was forced into consciousness with his repeated shaking.

“Something- something’s wrong, Abs- oh, fuck,” Ethan wheezed out, curling around his belly as the pain spiked again, “I’m dying, something broke- it hurts!

Abby quickly shook herself awake, growing more panicked as she sat up in bed and threw back the covers and reached to turn on the lights. Suddenly they could both see the state of the bed, and the deep burgundy, almost black liquid that soaked Ethan’s thighs and the bed beneath him in a wide puddle.

“Oh, fuck” Abby whispered.

“Oh, fuck!” Ethan shouted, doubling over more with a screech.

Abby quickly brought herself to Ethan’s side, reaching out to grab him. Ethan was quickly losing any composure he had left and was staring at Abby with desperate, pleading eyes. He didn’t know what she could possibly do to help him right now but he hoped she could do something.

“Fuck, fuck! I knew I should have taken you straight to hospital! This is so fucked!” Abby whined, “Is this blood? Are you bleeding out? Please don’t be bleeding out!”

“I don’t know, it just hurts!” Ethan sobbed, feeling his insides twist and churn painfully. He was only aware of the overwhelming pain that radiated through his lower body as he writhed in his soiled bed. Then he felt something, something foreign and definitely not himself. It sent a cold shock of panic coursing down his spine as his eyes flashed up to meet Abby’s.

“Something’s inside me,” He said, too calm for the sheer terror he felt inside, but he couldn’t will himself to say it any other way, numbed as his brain scrambled to make sense of the heavy weight he felt forcing its way into his canal. “Something is inside me.”

Abby stared at him just as frozen until Ethan buckled with a groan, and she looked down between his legs, quickly moving to tug his soaked boxers off and tossing them to the side.

As soon as she could see him clearly she gasped loudly, unable to stop her reaction and immediately causing Ethan to cry out, “What is it!? Do you see something?”

“I see… something,” Abby winced, she didn’t have words to describe what she was looking at, but it was dark and wet and forcing Ethan’s lips to bulge at the girth of it as it tried to pry itself free from him. “I think you should probably push.”

Ethan wanted to fight, to protest the notion of what was happening because it was impossible, but he couldn’t deny his body’s instinct to push at her command, immediately feeling the girthy intrusion slide further down inside him. He moaned as he felt it stretch him, he’d never been a fan of penetration, and the reverse of it was much, much worse.

“That’s- that’s it, Ethan,” Abby said, unable to school the anxious quiver from her voice, “Keep doing that.”

Ethan did, pushing hard and yowling in pain as his body was assaulted from the burning stretch and the agony that boiled through him. It was too much, Ethan could barely take it, but he couldn’t stop himself from pushing now that he’d started, his body simply acted on impulse, trying desperately to expel whatever was causing him so much pain.

His hole stretched and stretched, tears pricked at his eyes as he panted and moaned raggedly as something pushed him to breaking point and just as he thought he couldn’t take anymore slipped free from him with a wet squelch.

“Oh what the fuck is that,” Abby let slip out, not meaning to voice the words but her shock projected them for her.

Ethan pried himself up enough to look over the mass of his stomach to see the black, spherical shape he’d just pushed out resting between his legs. It was roughly the size of an orange, wet and gelatinous looking, and if he stared at it long enough he could see a dark mass shifting inside it. It looked like some kind of frog egg, only much bigger.

“What the fuck is happening to me?” Ethan whined, pain urging him to push again even as he stared in horror as whatever inhuman thing he’d just given birth to.

He felt another egg begin to stretch him, just as painfully tight of a squeeze as the last one, and he panted and groaned in effort as he tried to push it out faster than his body allowed. Ethan didn’t want these things, whatever they were, inside him any longer.

It took considerable effort from Abby to pull her eyes away from the round thing that had just been born from her boyfriend, forcing herself to look up at his strained face. He was red and sweaty and his face was scrunched up in pure agony as he curled into himself with the effort of pushing.

Abby reached out and took Ethan’s hand, holding it tightly between her own and encouraging him to squeeze it as much as he needed, which he did readily. Ethan used all his strength to give Abby’s hand a crushing squeeze while he moaned loudly into the next contraction. He could feel his body stretch around the egg again, more and more until it popped out, falling beside the first with another spurt of fluid.

Whether Ethan liked it or not, his body fell into a rhythm. Pushing as each egg descended into his birth canal and letting them drop from him as rapidly as his body could manage. His breathing was ragged, feeling a third, then fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh egg slowly pushed from him over the next hour. He could barely keep count after that, blindly clenching the muscles of his womb down on the eggs and forcing them out.

It was only after another hour of pushing that he finally felt the struggle of squeezing around nothing, and looking down to find a hefty pile of glistening black eggs between his dripping thighs. Abby clung to his hand, whispering words of encouragement the entire time as she watched egg after egg tumble free, endlessly shocked as he managed to produce more than she thought his body could handle.

Ethan panted heavily, still trying to catch his breath from the effort. He looked over at Abby, and was about to speak when he saw something move in the corner of his eye.

He stared down at the end of the bed, watching intently as something dark and inky crawled it's way up the sheets. A long, twisting appendage wound up and over the corner of the mattress, sliding towards them on the sheets. Abby gasped when she saw it, scrambling up the bed closer to Ethan’s side and trying to pull him towards her protectively.

Another appendage joined the first, and another, crawling towards them just as the first reached the pile of freshly born eggs between Ethan’s legs. It began curling around them, the other appendages joining it quickly as they surrounded the eggs before slowly dragging them closer to where they came from.

Abby and Ethan could only watch on in silent terror, afraid that if they moved the thing might notice them as well. They watched the eggs tumble off the edge of the bed along with the limbs, but never heard them hitting the floor.

After a few cold seconds of bone-chilling terror, Abby wrapped her arms around Ethan’s chest and began dragging him towards the door, quickly ushering him to his unsteady feet and helping him hobble out of the bedroom before she quickly slammed the door shut behind them and began hurrying them towards the door.

“We’re leaving, we’re leaving right fucking now and we’re never coming back,” She hissed in a low frantic panic, “I don’t fucking care, we’re never stepping foot in this place again!”

“Ab, Abby,” Ethan panted, barely able to stand from the pain and exhaustion that still shook him. “‘M not wearing pants.”

She quickly looked down, as if she’d completely forgotten and nodded. “Right,” she said, before abandoning him briefly to run into the bathroom before returning with two towels in hand.

She began wrapping one around his hips and draping the other over his shoulders before grabbing her bag and phone and half carrying Ethan out the door of his apartment all the way until they reached her car. She helped him into the passenger seat before jumping into the driver's seat and starting the car, pulling out of the parking lot as quickly as she could.

“What even was that fucking thing!?” Abby shouts after several long silent minutes of driving. “How long has it been there!?”

Ethan shook his head, barely able to process that this night was even real. “I have no idea…”

“Well whatever it is, I don’t care! I’m not letting it come anywhere near us! Ever!” Abby shouted again, face pinched in barely contained furious tears. “You’re moving in with me, or we’ll find another place! I don’t care, but I’m not letting you go back there!”

Ethan stayed quiet, unsure what he could even say to Abby’s upset ranting. He felt too shell shocked to say anything. His body was exhausted to the very bone, and his brain felt like static.

As he let Abby’s words buzz through his ears he looked down at himself, finding that his hands were cupped over his belly. He didn’t remember doing that. He also didn’t remember his stomach still feeling so round under them.

And he definitely didn’t remember feeling something inside him moving against the palm of his hand before squirming away.



Hnnnnnng THIS WAS INCREDIBLE!!!!! I love the angle you went with it having Ethan being so blissfully unaware this is even going on like that is a hella fun choice tbh and just the days passing and the buildup of him being initially sick to the bump settling in OMG I love that so much like it really paints a good picture of the events taking place and the pace really made it feel like you were in Ethan's head like trying to ignore the changes going on and brush them off but slowly the keep getting more and more apparent that something isn't right and that it isn't just a bug or even a tumor! Ahhhhh and the two of them are so precious together their bond is so sweet like legit just you can tell how much they love each other like right to the ending where Ethan despite his exhaustion is still focused on protecting Abby and vice versa love love love that dynamic it's so freaking pure honestly <3 <3 <3 Also again your word choice never fails to dissapoint you always paint the picture so well when you write and it adds to the overall story especially with the mystery factor of what the heck is going on and just conveying the worry and stuff going on!! Also the birth part AHHHHHHH I love the description on the eggs and the way you mentioned how Ethan's body stretched around them like adding that flare of he didn't want this and what the hell is going on and like the fact it is forcing him and making him do it really adding that tension. And the beast coming in to take its eggs hnnnnnng love that and could totally imagine the whole interaction between the two when they finally escape. And THE ENDING ahhhhhhh love love love the cliffhanger having the true big beast still nestled inside just waiting and keeping comfortable in Ethan's womb ahhhh that was such a good way to end it!!! Tbh this was well worth the wait and well worth the time you took you did AMAZING just like always and I swear it felt like reading something out of a short story collection and it was extremely nice to read. Ahhhh thank you for this like its absolutely wonderful!!! <3 ((Also love the fact you included a trans couple I know you draw and write lots of trans folks but honestly it really really really always makes me feel good seeing the relationships you write with them because shoot gives me fuzzies and even if its kink stuff makes me personally feel really happy and get in a nice headspace thank you for that!!!!!)) <3


That was a great read. You took it in a direction I was quite expecting and it paid off quite well. I like the kind of horror not horror spin you gave it. Ethan and Abby were written very well and the it helped elevate the story as a whole. Very well done.


Thank you! I just sort of accidentally made Ethan and Abby, so I'm glad they were a cute couple that were enjoyable to read about!


Wow wow thank you so much!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and liked Ethan and Abby!! This is such a sweet comment so thank you!