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Gotta squeeze in those few relaxing days before youve gotta start changing diapers and not sleeping 😂




Such a precious family ;o; Love how Aizawa is sullen even on a happy beach day like even if its sunny and fun very very cute ;o; And Eri is precious in her sunhat and dress so freaking precious and bet she is excited to be a big sister <3 Ahhh and Hizashi looks like a total goofball dad already ahhhh hopefully they all go have an absolute blast together with lots of hugs and photos!!! ((And true cause depending on the babies quirk that crying might wake the whole neighborhood XD)) Ahhh this is very very pure and sweet love how you drew them all together <3


Mpreg or not I love the 'dad' dynamic you've represented here! First off the clothing for all of them is amazing, it's peak holiday energy without being in your face about it. Plus you've captured each of their personalities perfect in the way they stand, Hizashi being ecstatic, Eri shy, and Aizawa just being there. Also I dig the belly in the shirt, it does a really good job of showing it off! Love it!


Thank you!! I just know in my soul aizawa would wear ugly dad shirts hahaha