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Look ok dont @ me im just having a lot of feelings rn




I suspected it was Harry and Draco but I didn’t want to say anything. The pic with Draco’s shirt sticking up and unbuttoned pants is sooo cute!


Ahaha yeah, ive fallen down a rabbit hole of drarry fics recently so this is all i can focus on rn lol 😂😂


-loud screaming- OMG OMG OMG I hadn't seen cute stuff f them in ages okay I feel like a dingus for not realizing who they were sooner dangit cause I freaking love some Drarry so much ;o; Ahhhh I really love the way you show the dynamic between them OMG Draco being a butt one minute then a sweetheart literally adore that <3 And the fact he can't fit his shirt anymore thats effing precious lookit him grumpy and cute <3 Also really love his snide remark about the morning sickness that got a big chuckle out of me XD Also love some good water breaking its always so freaking fun to see how you draw it ahhhh!! Really freaking loving the sketch dumps in general tbh and these two are so precious in your style OMG!!!! <3