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Hey guys! Thank you all so much for your support of my $10 tier! I just wanted to let you know that from now on sketch requests will be MONTHLY! Which means every month you can request a personalised sketch from me, which will be much easier for me to keep track of when people are owed sketches rather than trying to work out which month it is haha.

I will probably send out a mass message for the tier, or make a post, around the same time or just before I do the poll for the month, so if you have preference on how you'd like to be notified let me know! I understand that maybe sometimes it might be stressful choosing what you want for a sketch request, so don't panic if you're not ready right away! I'm always happy to answer private messages or comments about any questions you may have. 

So I hope this is an exciting change for everyone, and if you haven't collected your last request I'm happy to resolve that with you in DMs! 

Thanks guys! 



-excited yelling- Oooooh thats super duper sweet of you to make em monthly OMG the sketches are always super fun to see and ahhhh if its easier for you thats even better cant wait for all the lovely sketches in the months to come!!!! Ahhhh this is gonna be super duper fun seeing more of your lovely stuff and all the lovely ideas peeps have keep up the amazingness!!!