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Here's the fic that was meant for last months rewards! took a little longer than i meant it to but here it is! I tried to give it a bit of plot and make it vaguely fantasy setting for extra intrigue since there wasnt really a lot to go off from the request! so I hope you enjoy it anyway!


“I’m not having my baby here!!” I hiss out, hands fisted in the fabric on my, now filthy, tunic. I glare up at the rugged man above me, who was giving me a look that was half exasperated and half filled with rage.

“And I’m not running you through a town currently swarmed with orcs!” He growls back, eyes set in determination as I pant in front of him.

I groan as my knees buckle more and a pain soars through me, another contraction making it harder to stay standing. I suck in a breath and glare back at the man.

“I’m not having my baby here.”

He stares back for a moment, our eyes locked in a silent battle before he finally yields with a shout. “Ugh! Fine, but this is crazy and dangerous, and you asked for it!”

“I don’t care, just get me out of this dump and somewhere safe and not covered in mud,” I say, finally accepting the hand he extended out to me. He quickly pulls me into his side, pulling my arm over his, much broader, shoulders and placing a hand on my waist.

“Try not to draw any attention, this is going to be hard enough without you drawing orcs directly to us,” He grumbles, already pulling me along in step with him as he marches towards the exit of the alleyway I’d stumbled into for cover when the orcs attacked.

He pauses and looks around the street for clearance before ducking low and ushering us out with a quiet, “C’mon.”

We make it partway down the street, ducking behind boxes and strewn about objects as cover, before I pause with a groan. My hand finds my stomach quickly, holding the heavy weight of it as I feel my muscles contract beneath it, squeezing me together painfully. I shut my eyes and grit my teeth until the pain passes. Finally, letting out a shaky breath when it ends.

“You good?” he asks, giving me a concerned sideways glance as I nod in response. “Good, just keep that kid in there until we’re out of here.”

I let out a breathy laugh and nod again, “I’ll try my best.”

Then, he’s pulling me back up and we’re running down the street again as swiftly as possible, even with my gait slow and wobbly. There are the still distant screams of people, and the crackle of fire and the clang of metal as the town is still under siege, but I try to stay focused on moving forward. There’s no looking back now.

Suddenly, I felt my whole body being yanked down, and almost cried out except for the hand that slapped over my mouth to muffle the noise. My back hits a well and my knees hit the cobblestone as the man hisses a hushed “shh!” at me, eyes set ahead.

I fail to muffle the whimper against his hand as I feel my body ache from the impact begin to double down on the pain as another contraction rolls through me. It takes all my strength to keep breathing through it, trying to make as little noise as possible.

The man’s eyes are set hard still, watching the street ahead of us like a hawk with his body half covering my own. Finally, I could hear what had made him worry so much.

A heavy crash of something hitting stone and the rumbling roar of an orc roaming the street ahead of us echoes against the empty street. Fear sends a chill through my bones as I realise just how close it is to us, and the terrifying sounds of it's fury as it clambers through the town.

My hands wrap around my belly, tightly holding it in a desperate attempt to shield my unborn child from the horrors that may come, willing back tears that prickle at my eyes as my body trembles.

We wait for what feels like hours, listening as the orc’s noises slowly become more distant. The man must have finally deemed the coast as clear because before I knew it I was being tugged back onto my feet and we were running back the direction we came. I spared a glance behind me as we went and could still see the silhouette of the orc in the direction we had been headed.

“Where are we going?” I asked hurriedly, trying to keep up without stumbling as the man dragged me further ahead, “I can’t keep running like this!”

He finally slowed his pace down, looking back behind him and continuing forward when he was content to see we had not been pursued. “We’re taking the long way around. As long as our path isn’t blocked by more orcs we should be able to get out of here.”

I stayed quiet, following him as we continued our frantic scurrying through the streets, but the contractions were coming on quicker now, hitting me harder, and I struggled to stay on my feet as he navigated us through the town to freedom.

It didn’t take long before my legs finally gave out beneath me, letting me crumple to my knees as I gasped and panted through the pain, holding my tight stomach as I felt my body trying harder to push my baby down.

“I can’t… I can’t keep going…” I panted, trying to not let the emotion well up in my voice, but I was already so exhausted. “Please…”

The man stared at me with a scowl before it finally softened, and he moved to do something unexpected. His arms wrapped behind my body and I suddenly found myself lifted from the floor, being carried bridal style by the man who huffed as he held me in his arms.

“You were the one that insisted on getting out of the city first,” he groaned, but the look on his face was softer now than it had been. I wrapped my arms around his neck and mumbled a quiet thanks as he continued on through the street.

I tried to restrain myself, to hold back from giving into the pain, but it grew worse every second and the moments of rest had all but disappeared now as we moved. I’d finally buried my face into the man’s shoulder, trying to muffle my moans and sobs as he carried me.

I could already feel the head descending, finally having made its way into my birth canal, but I tried to hold back from pushing for as long as I could. I couldn’t give in now, not when we were almost to the edge of town. I chewed on the sleeve of my tunic, trying anything to muffle my cries as I resisted my body's desperate pleas to push. I just had to hold on a little longer.

I finally noticed the sudden shift, heavy footfalls on cobblestone suddenly softening into the crunch of mud and dirt. I looked up, content to see we’d made it out of town and were now moving down the forest trail. The man’s speed began to slow until he was walking with a heavy pant, no doubt exhausted from carrying me so far.

“Well, we’re out of the city now,” He huffed, giving me a pointed look, “where would you like to give birth?”

I gave him an incredulous look, glancing around at the open forest evening that surrounded us. There was nothing but dirt and trees surrounding us, nothing to provide comfort or cover. Not even something to wrap the baby in.

“I’m not having my baby here,” I groan, pushing my face back into his shoulder and stifling the moan that comes with the next pain.

“I had a feeling you’d say that…” He sighed, still trudging down the mud path, “there’s an Inn a few minutes down the road from here. Assuming they haven’t been attacked by the orcs as well, we might be able to find shelter there. Can you hold out that long?”

I nod quickly against his collarbone, blurting out, “Just hurry!”

He sighs again, “Alright, just keep squeezing those thighs together then.”

I could feel him begin to jog again, moving quickly down the path as I continued to grunt my way through contractions, volume increasing now as we grew further from the town until I was wailing against his chest, fingernails biting into skin.

“Hurry, hurry! Please, just hurry!” I cried into the man, “I can’t hold on anymore! I need to push!”

“Almost there!” he huffed out as he kept running, “Just don’t give birth while I’m holding you!”

If my eyes hadn’t been squeezed shut as we travelled, I may have seen the oncoming Inn come into view as we approached it, but instead I was met with the sudden shift as we barrelled in through the front door.

“Do you have a spare bed for my friend?! They’re about to give birth!” I heard the man carrying me shout as he pushed into the building, and I finally cranked my eyes open to see the shocked faces of the innkeepers staring at us.

“Yes, yes, of course! This way, quickly!” one of them said, quickly leading us into a room nearby and showing us a bed.

“Thank you, we ran from the nearest town. It’s been attacked by orcs, so we had to make it out quickly,” the man explained, laying me down onto the plush bed, and I cried out, finally knowing we’d made it to safety.

“You poor things, I’ll grab blankets and boiling water, let us know if you need anything!” the innkeeper says, hurrying out of the room again.

I quickly began to tug at my leggings, attempting to pull them off but struggling to move around the mass of my stomach, “Help- help, please.”

The man quickly tugged the fabric away, letting it drop to the floor, and I couldn't hold back the full bodied wail I made as I bore down for the first time. I could feel my knees spread on instinct as I strained, the baby quickly descending after what must have been hours of holding back. Finally, I could push.

Which is exactly what I kept doing, I pushed and pushed, feeling the baby descend further each time, slowly stretching me open. I cried out as I felt it finally start to breach me, lips stretched taught as the head moved down further. I scrambled until my hand found another and gripped it for dear life, hearing the man speak to me.

“It’s ok, you’re safe now. Take your time, I’m here,” He spoke, softer than I’d heard him since we’d met only hours before as the town was burning around us, but it was at least comforting as the pain washed over me. I could feel his hand push the sweat and hair from my forehead as I panted, and I squeezed his hand once more before pushing again.

The head spread my lips suddenly, pushing beyond and forcing a scream from my throat as I was split wider than I’d ever been before. I sobbed and choked for air as the pain surged through me, desperately pushing despite the agony as I felt the head slide forward even more.

I stopped when I could push no more, panting as I felt the top of the baby’s head jutting out of me. I squeezed the man’s hand again, giving him an exhausted look as he praised me. I wanted this night to be over already, but as I rolled a hand down my belly and felt the still heavy curve there filled with the weight of my child, I knew it could be hours more until this was over.

After catching my breath I began pushing again, groaning and grunting as I felt the baby begin to move again, head becoming wider as it slipped free. The pain was enough to make me want to recoil and stop pushing, but I couldn’t stop now, my body worked frantically to keep pushing until I had to stop to breathe.

“It hurts… it hurts so much…” I gasped, turning my head to face the man beside me, and he smiled down at me with weary eyes.

“It’s ok, you’re doing so well. It’s almost over, just keep pushing,” he said softly, hand continuing to pet at my hair as I shook beneath him.

I nod, saving my breath as I push along with the next contraction, feeling the head move even further down, burn tight and painful as the widest part stretches through me before finally releasing with a pop. I cried out, the sudden release surprising me and providing the smallest amount of relief knowing that the baby’s head was out at least.

I could feel hands between my thighs and for the first time noticed that one of the innkeepers had knelt on the bed between my legs and was assisting the birth of my baby. I was quietly grateful as they assured me it was ok to continue to push having checked the baby’s neck and position.

I continued to sob as I pushed more, begging for this to be over as I felt the shoulders pass, and with one more push I felt the baby slide free of me, the air suddenly filled with the sound of crying as my baby took its first breaths. I reached out, and the innkeeper placed the baby in my arms for the first time, gasping as I finally could look down at their face.

The night had been so long, and difficult to get here, but it had all finally been worth it now that I had my baby safe in my arms.



This was AMAZING I adore the setting and the overall mood of this like straight up the whole plot was good like getting past those orcs had me on the edge of my seat knowing just how hard it was to bite back the pain and need to get the baby out. And th determination to get somewhere safe to give birth ahhhh I love that all the descriptions were spot on and I could picture everything in my head from the panic of the city streets to the comfort of the inn so freaaking good love love loved this and it was well worth the wait you did amazing on this and the whole theme was just YES!!! <3


Aww thank you so much!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I really love fantasy setting preg so I liked the excuse to do something even if it was just for a lil one shot!


I love the inconvenient birth trope. The whole struggling against what the body wants to do and what the MC wants to do was written so well. The 'don't give birth while I'm holding you line' was easily my favorite part. The setting was is a plus because fantasy setting has all the potential for all sorts of pregnancy fun (and by fun I mean chaos). Overall a great story!


It's such a fun trope, I will always get my grubby lil hands all over it whenever I can! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! And there's so much good potential in fantasy settings! Thank you!!