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I just remembered i had this whole draft done when i was planning on doing a little short comic about tsuhi getting pregnant that i never finished, so might as well show someone lol since i dont think ill ever do it now! Also brave of me to sketch this not only in a real sketch book, but the one I used to keep in my handbag everyday lol




OMG TSUHI HONEY!!!!!!! Ahhhh precious boy need some comforting after all that and just my goodness this is honestly a really amazing comic and te fact you did it o a sketch book OMG thats even cooler cause that had to be tricky to do cause sketchbooks are so limited and it turned out so awesome ;o; This is honestly amazing and shoot you have a knack for comics tbh like heck this is good and also OMG you were living in danger mode having some good Tsuhi spider times in your bag!!!!! Ahhhh this is amazing ;o; And gosh its always fun to see Tsuhi he needs some hugs after this ;o; Ahhh I am not sure if you posted this int he discord a while ago but I swear it looks familiar and amazing ahhhh!!!! <3


we gotta see the birth omg