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Time for this months suggestions! Comment any ideas youd like to see to be voted on for this months poll! And let me know what you thought of last months method of doing the top voted suggestions? Do you like it more? Should i do more than 3? Let me know!! 👇



All these ideas are amazing! You've given us so much recently it's hard to know what to ask for XD I like the idea of the pokebreeder giving birth, maybe playing with the idea of being born in the cowl with a water type?


Oo wait! Also adding here I forgot about another idea your chair one reminded me of, I've been needing a boss giving birth during a meeting, its cheesy but I still love it XD


I'm glad I'm providing some good art! It's been nice to work on this patreon as more of a serious thing these days and its a lot of fun to be drawing lots again! And more poke breeder is definitely a good idea!


Yesss I love inconvenient labors like that! And having to give birth during a super important meeting is so goooood