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Hey guys,

I've decided to pause my patreon for a little while because I'm not in a situation where I'm enjoying my work or the community. As I'm sure you're all aware, things have been rough for nsfw artists for a while, and the constant stress and worrying has been grating on me. Couple that with a highly stressful time in my everyday life, and this has become more of a burden than a pleasure for me.

I don't want to stop forever, but I also cannot say definitely when I will be back. Therefore, I have paused payments for the next month. I may return after that time frame, but I also may not. I'm not sure at the moment, and I want to just take time for myself right now and to focus on other things. I hope I'm not disappointing too many people, and I know my patreon hasn't been all that exciting since I opened it. If I do come back I'd like to try focus on making my patreon more of a focus, so people feel it's worth supporting me. 

I will also not be on either my twitter or my tumblr, and haven't been for a while. So I won't be taking messages or anything of the sort. 

I'm sorry to do this, but I think it's what is best for me right now. 

Thank you for your support over the past year and more. I hope to come back when I'm ready to work on this again.



Exactly what buns said here, you are the most important here as you are the one giving us these lovely works. You most definitely deserve a break, no matter how long because you need time to rest and figure these things out. I'm sorry that things are very stressful right now, I will support you no matter what though. Take your time, and I hope that you are able to have a bit more relaxation in your day to day life.


you coming back? i just got billed 5 dollars for your pateron