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Kevin is a character I've been developing for a very long time in the background.

If all goes well he will be part of a sort of 'Alternate Reality Game" in which you can all watch, or see him talk about his experiences with his unique (and sadly fictitious) medical condition that has caused him to dramatically transition from biological male to biological female.

Kevin is the ultimate tomboy, in that regard. Still very much thinks of himself and identifies as male, but the rest of the world has a hard time seeing him that way. Kevin gets in all sorts of crazy scenarios as a result of his condition.

With some more wild ones being less-than-canon, but I will let everyone know which ones are canon and which ones are not.

Kevin's story will be my typical, comical, smutty affair, but it will be slightly more grounded. It will take place in a world with no magic, no crazy machines, just normal human society.

The only difference is is that some people in rare instances go through all the crazy changes Kevin has.

With that said, this is basically a little teaser image of Kevin.

I should also mention that Kevin is dumb as nails. This will be explained later on.

I'd like your guys' feedback on if you'd like to see Kevin's full transition drawn or just skip to the aftermath.




I like the idea, and your transitions are always fun