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Okay so I'm doing much better now. I have been working on art, just nothing I want to show yet cuz spoilers and all that. I think I might have the next a2zz page finished by monday night, got some comm pages done.

one of the reasons I've been gone recently is a friend of mine is teaching me 3d modeling and its going okay, I'm getting a hang of it. Nothing worth showing yet, very rudimentary stuff like literally the first thing I made was a sunflower looking smiley face with dimples. Nothing I'm proud of yet.

The reason I wanna make 3d models is I really want to make figures of some of my characters, its kind of a dream of mine.

Also I've been learning some more about digital art effects.

Sorry for being quiet. When I get badly dysphoric, I go into a shell and hide from the world. Mainly because I get bad tempered when I'm dysphoric and the last thing I want is to snap at the people who support me.

Lots of cat cuddling and tying to come to terms with some things.

Like I said, I should have the next page of alpha to zeta z done very soon. Thanks for hanging in there. Thanks for all the well wishes. I'm doing okay and you guys are awesome.


Anime Guy

Glad to hear that you’re doing better.