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I as well as many family members and even some friends came down with human metapneumovirus literally around the same time I cracked my head bad. I didn't think much of it until I started getting a fever. Cuz after I got covid, I had just developed a permanent cough. So when I started coughing more I thought it was just the weather change.

After 3 full days of barely being able to function, I finally started feeling human again.

I'll be honest, this tore me up worse than covid did as far as being able to breathe. There were several times where I felt like someone was squeezing my chest.

I'm better now but I'm also taking care of the family members who go it, as I'm basically the only one well enough to do things right now.

So I'm doing okay today. I'm gonna do some arting. It'll take me another minute to get back into the swing of things.

Everyone else out there, stay safe. This stuff aint no joke.

Now if I can go another two months without getting sick after that, that'd be fantastic.



Sheesh, after all that you should be immune to everything for a while. Stay safe and get well soon!


I think I probably had been running myself pretty ragged, ontop of the emotional distress from the friend drama I spoke about before. Honestly just being able to get a full nights sleep lately has felt amazing. I did get some decent work done today, hopefully I can show something fun tomorrow.