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I was under the impression this was going to be a fairly easy project. I had experimented with remastering panels before.However going back and looking at my old line work and realizing just how rough it was, I realized I couldn't re-use that line work. It needed more than just touched up, it needed completely redone. Tracing over my own lines from back then with my knowledge now is interesting, I can see the logic I used to line my old art. There was a certain appeal to the rougher lines, but I def. prefer the smoother lines I do now.

As you can see, I don't plan on altering that much of the original comic as far as how things looked. Some fixes will be made here and there, but for the most part this is the same comic with a new skin. Its not some FF7 remake situation where I'm gonna go out of my way to change much of anything.

With that said though, there might be some new bits and bobs added, some things I wanted to put in, and some major improvements to the background characters.

I also hope to do this whole thing in full color.

The one thing I find the most interesting about this project is how much effort I used to put into small details like the little sound effects ect. I notice that as I've streamlined my art process I don't add those same kind of details. This might help me return to that style.

Also some of the structuring in the panels will be changed so they make more narrative sense.

I really don't want to remove anything from this comic, if anything just add to it without sacrificing the original vision.

With that said I got a question from a couple of people asking if I have any intention on remastering Aftermath (AKA Epilogue)

And the quick answer is  no, not right now.

The reason being is that comic is 50 pages. Some pages are done in a way that is completely different from each other.

Also with some pages being colored that means if I decided to do the whole thing in color, I'd want to recolor everything.

Also some panels make me cringe at how crudely they were drawn, so I'd want to completely redraw those panels.

Long story short, Epilogue/Aftermath is one of the few stories I've made that I'm truly proud of.  Its not perfect in the art department, but I love the story I wrote for it. I've been chasing that dragon ever since. So if I were to remaster it, it'd be a massive undertaking and probably take me all of a half a year to do. The only way I think I could realistically remaster it is if I had a small team to help me.

So as of right now, its not in the plans.

But perhaps in the future.



Osprey Hawk

I love the angle of this