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I know its not art, but just for those of you who do want to know-- the cat I rescued got a full bill of health today. I took her to the vet, she's completely healthy, no parasites, no fleas and got her shots and is resting comfortably beside me right now.

Going to wait a few days before I decide if I want to keep her or look for a home for her.

But knowing she's in good health means I don't have to hover over her constantly and I can devote more time to art again.

Thank you from me and Her for being so patient. <3



I like to think the tiny smidge of money I gave helped in some small way to make a kitty's life better. I came for the art. I stayed for the heartwarming stories. Good luck, tiny kitty!

Anime Guy

So glad to hear the kitty is doing great. How are you doing? Is your foot better?